
Aalto Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering

Contact information

Contact us

Contact us primarily via email or phone, but you can also visit our office during office hours.

Email: [email protected]
Office hours: Thursdays 9:30-11:00 (not during 1.7.-2.8.2024)
Street address: Maarintie 8 (TUAS-building), rooms 1157 and 1161
Postal address: P.O.Box 15500, 00076 AALTO

You can also book an appointment for your success team in MyStudies. Instructions for using the platform. Your success team includes your supervising professor, thesis advisor(s) as well as your School’s Doctoral education services team members.

Emma Holmlund is on holiday 1 July - 2 August 2024
Suvi Katajamäki is on holiday 1 July - 7 August 2024

The Doctoral Programme Committee is on holiday 1 July - 7 August 2024

Director of the Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering

Doctoral education services

 Emma Holmlund

Emma Holmlund

Planning Officer
 Suvi Katajamäki

Suvi Katajamäki

Study Coordinator

Antti Susiluoto

Study Coordinator

Our staff helps you with

Emma Holmlund

  • pre-examination applications
  • general matters and development of the doctoral programme
  • the ELEC Introduction to Doctoral Studies course
  • doctoral student funded positions
  • international matters (incl. Cotutelle-agreements)

Suvi Katajamäki

  • applications for doctoral studies (ELE and DICE applicants)
  • the ELEC Introduction to Doctoral Studies course
  • changes in study right (supervising professor, thesis advisor, research field, full-time/part-time mode of study)
  • questions related to Sisu and final approval of the study plan before pre-examination
  • questions related to the corrections of the thesis and permission for public defence
  • appointing the opponent
  • public defence announcement of doctoral thesis
  • approval of the thesis and graduation
  • readmission

Antti Susiluoto

  • applications for doctoral studies (EEA and DICE applicants)
  • approval of the study plan (DPSP)
  • questions related to theoretical studies
  • questions related to studies outside Aalto (and JOO study right)
  • readmission
  • scholarship applications

[email protected]

  • registering individual study attainments
  • general questions and requests

Doctoral Programme Committee

Doctoral programme committee (School of Electrical Engineering)

The Doctoral programme committee of the School decides about developing the content of the doctoral programme, prepares the curriculum and admission criteria and makes various decisions related to for example the evaluation process of the doctoral theses of an individual student.

Detail of an artwork from Dipoli building / Photo by Aalto University, Mikko Raskinen

Research fields and professors

Research fields and supervising professors (School of Electrical Engineering)

Research field is an area of academic research in which the school has agreed to provide doctoral education. The Aalto Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering offers doctoral education in 13 research fields. Each doctoral student is appointed a supervising professor who represents the research field approved for the student.



There are three departments at the School of Electrical Engineering. Read about the research focus of each department on their pages.

Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation is an ecosystem where scientists and engineers from different fields of microsystems, electrical engineering and automation work together to solve the most challenging scientific problems.


Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (ELE) conducts research and arranges related teaching courses in the fields of electromagnetics, micro and nanotechnology, radio engineering, and space technology.

Aalto University / Aalto satellite / photo: Mikko Raskinen

Department of Information and Communications Engineering

The department of Information and Communications Engineering has a strong focus in the ICT area varying from ICT technology to core electrical engineering and its basic phenomena.

 Äänen viivettä on tutkittu Suomen hiljaisimmassa huoneessa Otaniemessä sijaitsevassa kaiuttomassa huoneessa.  Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Mikko Raskinen

Ombudspersons and support for challenges

Ombudspersons are voluntary professors with solid experience in academic practices whom doctoral students can contact confidentially in challenges related to the thesis work. In case of challenging situations, we also have a support system of e.g. study psychologists and workplace mediators.

Ombudspersons for doctoral students

Confidential contact persons for doctoral students wishing to discuss with a professor with experience in academic practices

People in Harald Herlin.

Support for challenges during your doctoral studies

Support network and help for harassment or other type of challenging situations


Career design

Career Design for Students

Career design is an experimental approach for creating a meaningful career path in the constantly changing world of work.

Career Design for Students

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