Other studies

Internship checklist

On this page, we have compiled a general checklist for internships. Remember to also check the conditions and requirements for the specific type of supported internship or internship program you are participating in.

Important information regarding internships abroad

Where to find internships?

You can find an internship through your own networks, by directly contacting employers that interest you or by using various online portals.

Start early. If you want to work abroad next summer, you should start looking for employers and jobs already in November-December (however, note the sector-specific differences, in some sectors summer internships are applied for as early as the beginning of autumn).

Especially when applying for an internship abroad, the employer appreciates initiative, and at the same time you make hiring easier for them. Find out about the destination country's security, job search practices and send the right type of CV and cover letter. You can find useful country-specific information in GoinGlobal's and Highered's country guides. You can also make an appointment to talk about finding an internship with Career Services.

You can search for internships from, for example, the following sources:

Jobteaser's job portal, a lot of internships and jobs for Aalto students both in Finland and abroad.

GoinGlobal, a very extensive global job search portal available for your use. Remember to use the right kind of key words in the search function, all kinds of internships can be found through the service.

Highered, lots of work and internship opportunities, especially in business and some technical fields. Access to Highered's portal is part of Aalto's EFMD (The European Foundation for Management Development) cooperation.

Other job portals

Also remember to look at the bottom of this page for Internship programs.

Financial aid for students and income control

If you are eligible for the student financial aid, contact the financial aid support office (Kela) in advance and find out the effects of the internship salary and possible grants on the aid. Read more on Kela's Student pages. Also remember to take care of income control, which is explained more on Kela's website.

Study credits

Aalto students have the possibility to include an internship in their degree in most of the programs. If you have any questions, please contact your own study program. Please remember that you must always negotiate about a possibility to include credits from the internship period in your Aalto degree with the persons responsible of your own programme!

Internship contracts

If you receive an internship from Finland or abroad that requires the internship contract to be signed by a representative of the university and/or requires other proof of your studies at the university, contact Learning Services. Please note that it is not possible to get internship contract templates from Aalto.

From your school's learning services or directly from Sisu, you can get an from the transcript of records and/or a certificate of attendance. If the internship contract does not require the university to commit to anything (e.g. responsibility issues) and the internship is not required to be part of the degree, the internship contract can usually be signed. Always check with your school's Learning Services. This applies to all internships other than supported internships coordinated by the university (so-called domestic internships).

In Erasmus+ internships, certain documents are required (e.g. Learning Agreement for traineeship). Please see more information on Erasmus+ internship.


Any kind of paid work requires you to have a tax card. Internship grants are income that may affect the tax rate on your earnings.

During an internship abroad, the grants awarded by Aalto University may be taxable income to the extent that the total amount of grants, scholarships, etc. received by the person from different parties after deductions in the tax year exceeds the annual amount of the state artist grant. More information on vero website.

More information:


The statutory accident insurance for students at Aalto University is for students on practical training and only applies to practical teaching and unpaid practical work training.

When traveling abroad for an internship, the obligatory insurances include health care insurance, accident insurance and liability insurance. Aalto University does not provide students with health insurance, accident or liability insurance. If the employer doesn’t provide you with insurance, you are responsible for ensuring you have sufficient insurance coverage.

If it is a paid internship, accidents are primarily covered by the employer's insurance. In a paid internship, the intern is usually covered by his employer's accident and liability insurance, but this should always be confirmed before the internship begins.

Additionally, we strongly recommend you take out a personal travel insurance. The European medical card is not sufficient, for example in cases of repatriation or in certain cases of medical treatment, so supplementary insurance may be necessary. Read more about travel insurance on Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Finland's website.

Sources of funding and internship grants

You can apply for the Aalto University travel, internship and/or Erasmus+ grant for your internship period abroad. You must apply for the grants before the start of your internship. Read more on field specific pages of internship abroad (ARTS, BIZ, TECH).

You can search for other funding sources in SYL's grant database. Also find out about the grants awarded by your own guild, student association or AYY and other entities.

Remember to also check the grants site for any possible grant opportunities for internships.

Svenska studiefonden awards grants for internships or student exchanges abroad. The grants are intended for students whose mother tongue or language of study is Swedish.

Rights and obligations of internship

You should always make a written employment contract for the internship.

Always remember that if you agree to accept an internship, your notification is binding. So think carefully before informing the employer that you will accept the offered internship.

During your internship, you are obliged to comply with the laws of that country and your rights and obligations are determined in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations and agreements.

Internship programs

In most cases, an internship abroad is searched for independently.

In addition, Aalto University students also have an opportunity to go abroad through different internship programs. The internship program has the advantage of ready-made places, and the program may include extras such as arranging accommodation and a leisure program. Below you will find more information about the programs and other internship opportunities. Please note that internship programs usually have specific application periods, so be careful not to miss the application period!

Other special things to note

Did you find what you were looking for? See also

Student guide illustration, internship

ARTS international internships

Information about international internships for students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

Other studies
Student guide illustration, internship

BIZ international internship

Information about international internships and grants for School of Business students.

Other studies
Student guide illustration, internship

TECH international internship

Information on international internship and scholarships for students of technology (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI)

Other studies
Internship reports
International internships

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