Other studies

Internship reports

From this page you can find a link to the Publisher database. In Publisher you can read the reports other students have written about their internships abroad.

"Having this internship was one of the most important learning experiences in my university studies so far. As an experience, it is just so comprehensive, that I wish everyone could get a chance to experience that. I feel like my opportunities for the future look more brighter now than before the internship." -ARTS student, got grants for internship period abroad

Internship reports can be found in Publisher database. Choose the country you are interested in and you will find the reports from internship in a certain country from previous years. 

Writing the report: 

Instructions on writing the report can be found from the field specific pages (ARTS, BIZ, TECH), please read the instructions carefully! Note that any personal information should not be mentioned in the report. 

International internships

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