Open science and research

Research Council of Finland (former Academy of Finland) open science requirements

Open science and research are strategic objectives of the Research Council of Finland, and a criterion in their funding decisions. Their goal is to make research outputs and their metadata quickly and widely available for reuse. The Research Council of Finland participates in the open access initiative Plan S, which affects the open access and open data requirements in calls starting in 2021.

The content of this page is subject to change. Always check the detailed information about funder policies on the funders' websites.

Open Science requirements

Data Management Plan (DMP) Process

  1. At the application stage you must write a brief description of your data management practices
  2. After a positive funding decision, you must write the actual data management plan (DMP)
    • See below for guides and DMP templates
    • Help and guidance are available from [email protected]
  3. Send the DMP to [email protected] for review in Word format
  4. Research Services must accept the DMP before it can be submitted to the Research Council of Finland. The acceptance will be given by e-mail after Research Services has reviewed the DMP. After revisions, send the final DMP to Research Services. 
  5. Submit the final accepted DMP to the Research Council of Finland SARA system and accept the funding in SARA. Research Council of Finland guidelines for accepting funding (.pdf)

Research Council of Finland DMP guides and templates

Help available

Questions on open access: [email protected] 

Questions on research data: [email protected]  

Further support is available from the School Teams and IT Services for Research

More information on open access publishing

ACRIS, open access publishing and manuscript service

Instructions on open access publishing in ACRIS

A book and a pen with Aalto logo. Photo by Aino Huovio.

Open access agreements with publishers

Publish open access articles without APC fees

A group of three students engaging in teamwork, one presenting something from her laptop's screen

More information on open research data

Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science

Properly managed research data creates competitive edge and is an important part of a high-quality research process. Here you will find links to support, services and instructions for research data management.

People talking with each other

Data Management Plan (DMP)

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that specifies how research data are handled during and after a research project.

The image is from Aalto University material bank.
Funders' open science requirements
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