Open science and research

Funders' open science requirements

Research funders want to promote open science and research, which is why they set requirements for the openness of research publications and data they are funding. European Commission (EC) and Research Council of Finland (former Academy of Finland) are participating in the open access initiative Plan S, which affects the open access and open data requirements in calls starting in 2021.

The content of this page is subject to change. Always check the detailed information about funder policies on the funders' websites.

Research Council of Finland (former Academy of Finland) open science requirements

Open science and research are strategic objectives of the Research Council of Finland, and a criterion in their funding decisions. Their goal is to make research outputs and their metadata quickly and widely available for reuse. The Research Council of Finland participates in the open access initiative Plan S, which affects the open access and open data requirements in calls starting in 2021.

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Research Council Finland logo

Business Finland open science requirements

Business Finland is committed to the objectives of open access science and research. Their aim is for publications and the non-confidential information produced by public research organisations readily available for further use.

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Business Finland logo

Horizon 2020 open science requirements

The European Commission promotes open science and research, which is why they set requirements for the openness of research publications and data they are funding. The European Commission (EC) participates in the open access initiative Plan S, which affects the open access and open data requirements in calls starting in 2021.

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Horizon 2020 illustration

Horizon Europe open science requirements

Horizon Europe further expands open access towards open science, and comprises of both mandatory and recommended open science practices. European Commission (EC) participates in the open access initiative Plan S, which affects the open access and open data requirements in calls starting in 2021.

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Horizon Europe illustration

Tools and Help 

Questions on open access: [email protected] 

Questions on research data: [email protected]  

Further support is available from the School Teams and IT Services for Research

How to publish open access? 

How to create a data management plan? 

How to open data? 

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