Aalto University Archives

Archive collections and catalogues

The archive collections contain Aalto University's and its predecessors' document collections, numerous personal and private archives, student work and diploma work collections and extensive image archives.

The archive collections can be explored in detail through collection catalogues accessible by categories below. Please note, most catalogues and archive materials are available only in Finnish.


Helsinki University of Technology archives

Helsinki University of Technology collections and personal archives

Aalto University Archives
Kauppakorkeakoulun päärakennus

Helsinki School of Economics archives

Helsinki School of Economics collections and personal archives

Aalto University Archives

Private archives

The collections contain numerous associations' and foundations' archives

Aalto University Archives
Taideteollisen korkeakoulun arkistoaineistot ELO

University of Art and Design archives

University of Art and Design collections and personal archives

Aalto University Archives
Aalto-yliopiston arkiston Finna-näkymän etusivu

Digital archive collections

Explore the digital collections and services of the archives. Archive materials related to theses and student works as well as historic documents and photographs are continuously digitised and made available in Finna and other digital services.

Aalto University Archives

Special book collections

The archives hold a unique collection of rare books and special printed collections used in the teaching of architecture and the visual arts.

Aalto University Archives
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