Aalto University Archives

Aalto University Archives

Aalto University Archives is an archive service open to all researchers. The mission of the Archives is to preserve and maintain the university's scientific, artistic and administrative cultural heritage and to promote research based on it.

The key tasks of the Archives include collection management work, including description, cataloging and digitising collections and making digital collections available. 

In addition, the Archives develops and plans reception channels for digital materials, provides information and research services, and organizes training, exhibitions and study program cooperation related to the Archives´ collections.

The Archives are located at Otaniemi campus. Before visiting, please contact: [email protected]

Visiting address Otakaari 1B, 02150 Espoo

Aalto University Archives image collections contain negatives
Archive collections and catalogues

Services and activities

Visual communication design koulutusohjelman vierailu

Workshops and exhibitions

Archive materials can be used in university teaching and it is also used in exhibitions and publications.

Aalto University Archives
Aalto-yliopiston arkiston Finna-näkymän etusivu

Digital archive collections

Explore the digital collections and services of the archives. Archive materials related to theses and student works as well as historic documents and photographs are continuously digitised and made available in Finna and other digital services.

Aalto University Archives

News and events

 	Ateneum-rakennuksen historiaa ja työskentelyä iltakoulussa - kipsimallin kopiointi
Aalto University Archives

First female students of the founding universities of Aalto University

During the Women's Day Week it is a good moment to look not only to the future but also to the past. What the world looked like from the perspective of women in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in the Grand Duchy of Finland, when the first women went to study technology, industrial arts and business. And how do the collections of the Aalto University Archives reflect these first representatives of their fields.
Olli Lounasmaa Kylmälaboratorion aivokuvantamislaitteessa.
Aalto University Archives

The success story of Finnish low-temperature physics can be uncovered at Aalto University Archives

The Low Temperature Laboratory (LTL) of Aalto University is a significant success story of Finnish science. The laboratory was founded by the Finnish physicist Olli V. Lounasmaa (1930-2002). The Archives of Aalto University hold archival collections from first few decades of the LTL’s operation, as well as the personal archive of Lounasmaa.
Yki Nummi Ornon piirustuskonttorissa Helsingissä
Aalto University Archives

Yki Nummi archive

The Yki Nummi archive is an extensive private archive collection held in the Aalto University Archives. Yki Nummi was one of the most influential post-war designers, whose groundbreaking work elevated Finnish design to its international reputation. Nummi is known above all else for his light fixtures, but his artistic merits also include the designing of other home utility goods, book illustrations and acting as a color and light expert.
Suuri alhaalta ja ylhäältä kapea, keskeltä leveä saviruukku, jossa on ruskea ja sininen lasitus.
Aalto University Archives

Ceramics in the Aalto University Archives collection

A significant proportion of the archive ceramic collection is available to explore digitally. The collections consist of the Kyllikki Salmenhaara archive, Airi Hortling archive and the collection of ceramics and glass art.
Kuvassa on Otto Meurmanin tekemä mittauspiirustus ”Antiikin tyylimuotoja” vuodelta 1911. Piirroskuvassa on koristeellisia yksityiskohtia rakennusten seinistä ja pylväistä.
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Explore the treasures of the digital archives

Aalto has become the first Finnish university to digitise the majority of its theses from the 1960s onwards.
Aalto Repository Stakeholders
Aalto University Archives

Aalto Repository

Aalto University is implementing a repository system for digital preservation, asset management and showcasing of all digital content of long-term value. The aim is to ensure authenticity and usability of the divers digital ​outcomes of our university, across time and technical environments​

Collection highlights

Aalto-yliopiston museokokoelma, fysiikan laboratorio, säätövastus

Aalto University museum collection

Instruments used in teaching from laboratories of physics, paper and cellulose technology, geology and geophysics and measurement instruments used in geological survey, construction and machine engineering.

Aalto University Archives
Arkkitehtuurin mittauspiirustus: Ainola

Architecture measurement drawings

Measurement drawing has been a tradition in the teaching of architecture for over one hundred years. The collection consisting of thousands of drawings provides a valuable resources for researchers of architecture.

Aalto University Archives
Keramiikan harjoitustyö

Ceramics student works

Pedagogical collection of ceramics and glass objects containing exercises, diploma works and glazing experiments that provide valuable insight into the development, materials and techniques of ceramics teaching.

Aalto University Archives
Deskiksen harjoitustyö

Descriptive geometry and perspective studies

Exercises from "Deskis" - descriptive geometry and perspective studies contain competition entries and works in fotogrammetric construction and reconstruction as well as perspective drawings.

Aalto University Archives
Vaatetussuunnittelun oppilastyö. Seitsonen, Merja (1990) Helsinki Stadion

Fashion and textile art

Costumes designed and made by students including competition entries for international competitions and course work exercises in industrial textile design.

Aalto University Archives
Otaniemi ilmakuvassa

Photograph collections

The historic image collection of the University is now available online documenting the activities, people, locations and premises including images of student works, exhibitions and events.

Aalto University Archives

Special book collections

The archives hold a unique collection of rare books and special printed collections used in the teaching of architecture and the visual arts.

Aalto University Archives
Yki Nummen arkisto

Personal archives: Yki Nummi

Lighting designer and colourist Yki Nummi's personal archives contains sketches, original design drawings, documents, diaries and photographs. Nummi studied at the department of decorative painting and graduated in 1950.

Aalto University Archives

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