
Aalto Sign - Electronic Signing Service

Aalto University uses an electronic signing service Aalto Sign. All university employees can send documents for signing through the service, and all Aalto employees as well as anyone outside Aalto University can sign documents sent from the service. The service is provided by Sarake Oy.
Aalto Sign main image

The electronic signature created by the Aalto Sign service is a basic level (BES, basic electronic signature) or advanced level (AES, advanced electronic signature) signature in accordance with the requirements of the EU eIDAS regulation (EU 910/2014), which verifies the information content of the electronic document and the identity of the signer. Basic signature is used internally in the university and advanced signature is used for signing outside the university.

Qualified electronic signature (QES) has not been implemented so far. A QES level signature requires an ID card with a chip or a similar qualified electronic signature creation device (QSCD, qualified signature creation device). If there is a need for QES level, we will investigate the implementation. More information: [email protected]

signing requests image


Instructions for electronic signing

If you have a question or a problem, please contact [email protected].

Related instructions

Aalto Sign electronic signing service

Aalto Sign (external link)

Link to the electronic signing service

Mobile Id logo

Mobile Certificate at Aalto

Instructions on how to activate Mobile ID (in Finnish Mobiilivarmenne) on your Aalto University's Elisa mobile subscription.

This service is provided by:

Records Management Services

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