Shimmering pieces of wood in different colours

Aalto Curious

Science breakthroughs, mythbusting and fresh research-based perspectives for better decision-making. Check out hand-picked stories from our community. 

Kuvituskuva bakteerista

Cracking the toughest problems

Read about radically creative approaches that are turning fundamental research into tools to create a better future for us all.

A satellite picture of the forest, with pink, violet and green colours

How to see trees and plants in a whole new light

A hyperspectral snapshot captures all the light in a scene, not just colours or infrared light. The extra information is useful in many applications, from agriculture and conservation to forensics and food safety.

Piece of ceramics exploding

Cutting the carbon out of concrete

The Radical Ceramic Research Group is pioneering potentially transformative alternatives to traditional concrete, the world’s second largest source of emissions.

Small coin wallets in different shades of brown

Let’s end fast fashion — and favour resilience over efficiency in all industries

Focusing on short-term profit isn’t sustainable. So what can we do to move in the right direction?

Mies on selkä päin kameraa, katsoo tietokoneelta kuvaa aivoista.

Playing with the music of the brain

Common neurological disorders like depression and chronic pain can be challenging to treat with conventional methods. An automated version of a long-used brain stimulation technique holds real promise as a reliable and effective drug-free alternative.

green bacteria

The path of least resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is causing a silent, stealthy pandemic – and the pipeline of new antibiotics is dwindling. The good news is that researchers are turning to other ways to fight bacteria, by targeting the very weapons they deploy during an infection.

Akkuteknologialla on merkittävä rooli  liikenteen sähköistämisessä ja uusiutuvan energian varastoinnissa

Power the future

How battery technologies can solve some of the world's biggest sustainability chanllenges.

Give for the future

There's a high possibility of failure. But if it works, it could be a game-changer.

Doctoral researcher Ville Repo, Radical Ceramics Group

Bridging the gap between science and decision making

Our experts break down what we should know about current societal trends.

Timo Vuori

Five things leaders should know about the power of emotions in watershed moments

Associate Professor Timo Vuori explains how to turn harmful anxiety into constructive energy

Suojahansikkaisiin puetut kädet pitelevät mittalaitetta

Five things policy-makers should know about improving health care

Tweaking the healthcare system won’t help if its structure provides the wrong incentives, says Paul Lillrank. The professor emeritus of industrial economics gives his views on what’s wrong with Finland’s healthcare system and what should be done about it.

Matti Vartiainen

Five things to know about hybrid work

Senior Advisor and Professor Emeritus Matti Vartiainen explains how hybrid work has changed life here and elsewhere - and what we can expect from the future

Illustration image of cybersecurity

Five things everyone should know about cybersecurity

We live in a world where hackers stalk teleworkers and advertisers spy on us. You can’t protect yourself from everything, but a little effort can get you to safer waters. Mikko Kiviharju, professor of practice in cybersecurity, offers five tips for securing your data.

Earth and a pine seedling

Five things everyone needs to know about boosting the sustainable bioeconomy

Assistant Professor Luana Dessbesell explains what makes bioinnovation truly sustainable and how to avoid challenges that stalk growth entrepreneurs.


Five things everyone should know about cooling and ventilation

How do we keep our houses cool when summers are getting hotter? Is it worth using a natural ventilation system? Is air-conditioning the same as cooling? Professor Risto Kosonen offers some tips for managing indoor air temperature in your home.

Kasvihuoneen kastelujärjestelmä

Five things decision-makers should know about feeding the planet

Science-based advice about the global food system for decision-makers.

Aallon osasto Slushissa

Five things to know about university impact

When you think about the powerhouses ensuring our societal and economical success, universities may not be the first thing to pop into mind. It's clear that a university's basic function is to provide education and advance scientific research, but what else is there?

Niina Nurmi, photo by Mikko Raskinen.

5 things everyone should know about virtual meetings

Is it worth inviting everyone to a virtual meeting? Do you stare at your own picture on the screen? Assistant Professor Niina Nurmi discusses some of the best practices from remote meetings, based on a recent study.

Kuvituskuva pörssikursseista

Five things decision-makers should know about ownership in Finland

How does ownership in Finland hold up against that of Sweden, Denmark and Norway? The world’s first professor of ownership – Samuli Knüpfer – lists the challenges and tells why a solution is urgently needed

Vihreitä lehtiä ajelehtii vedessä (kuvituskuva)

What should decision-makers know about green hydrogen?

How can green hydrogen help make the world a better place, and how can Finland encourage its development and uptake? We’ve compiled a concise information package on green hydrogen for decision-makers.

X-ray of hand with fingers making OK sign

AI is transforming healthcare: 5 things to know

Regulation, validation and trust are key when AI is used in medical services, say FCAI and Aalto University experts.


I didn’t know that!

Think you understand how things work? Aalto researchers set the record straight on key issues of our time.

Can ChatGPT be trusted? True or false - five myths about the reliability of artificial intelligence

ChatGPT, Dall-e and similar AI systems evoke both excitement and fear. Matti Nelimarkka, visiting scholar at Aalto University and University Lecturer in Social Data Science at the University of Helsinki, clarifies some common misconceptions about these systems.

Kuvituskuva, henkilö seisoo vihreässä pikselöidyssä ympäristössä

Are black holes really black? True or false: five claims about black holes

Senior researcher Tuomas Savolainen addresses some common beliefs about black holes.

Taiteilijan näkemys mustasta aukosta.

Coming never to a road near you: Five myths about autonomous vehicles

Whether you call them autonomous, self-driving or robot cars, there is a lot of discussion about when, where and how these vehicles will take to the roads.


Will artificial intelligence take your job in marketing? True or false: five claims about the future of marketing

Johanna Frösén, Associate Professor of Marketing, provides insights on some beliefs associated with marketing analytics

Cyber. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Aki-Pekka Sinikoski

Does entrepreneurship cause stress and burnout? True or false: five claims about entrepreneurs’ wellbeing

Professor Ewald Kibler examines common beliefs about entrepreneurship in light of his recent research

Slush 2022 laser visual

Fusion energy will save our future? True or false: Five claims about fusion power

A breakthrough in fusion energy production was achieved last week when, for the first time ever, the fusion reactions in a small fuel pellet yielded more energy than the pellet had absorbed. We asked our researchers, Taina Kurki-Suonio and Eero Hirvijoki, about five claims related to fusion.

Nano cryostat

Do dividends enrich shareholders? Is investing only for the rich? True or false: five claims about investing

Investing has become a hot topic in the media, in online discussions and around watercoolers and coffee machines – but are these conversations sharing wisdom or spreading myths? To help people make informed decisions, we asked Professor of Finance Peter Nyberg to talk about five claims and separate fact from fiction.

In the picture, professor Peter Nyberg leans towards a window in the Dipoli building.
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