
Sustainable Mobility Action Plan for the Otaniemi Campus

Aalto University aims to be a pioneer in sustainable mobility, and the Otaniemi campus is the perfect test bed for this goal. Sustainable movement not only plays a significant role in building a sustainable future, but also often has a positive effect on the wellbeing of campus users. The Sustainable Mobility Action Plan for the Otaniemi campus has been drawn up as user-oriented and in interaction with the Aalto community.
Kesä kampuksella
Kuva: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto-yliopisto

One of the important goals of Aalto University is building a sustainable future. Securing the opportunities for a good life for current and future generations is important so that the environment, people and the economy are taken into account equally.

Movement is an important part of the overall sustainable development. The sustainable mobility plan for the Otaniemi campus, developed between 2022-2023, contributes to the realization of Aalto University's goals and outlines the development of transportation on campus. The action plan is user-centric and has been developed in ambitious collaboration with the users. It includes a vision, objectives, and a concrete action program.

The whole report (pdf) can be downloaded and read from the end of the page. The report is currently in Finnish, English version will be added later.

As a pioneer in mobility

With its sustainable mobility action plan, the entire community aims to be a pioneer in mobility. In the ongoing transformation of transportation, Aalto University strives to be among the organizations that boldly embrace global mobility megatrends such as the sharing economy, electric mobility, autonomous transportation, and data analytics.

The plan is directly linked to Aalto's dynamic strategy, which acknowledges the changing world and emphasizes that the university selects the development targets and actions that best align with its goals. The action plan serves as guidance and provides foundational information for future campus development projects and their budgeting.

The starting point and central objective are the realization of an inviting campus where technological and social innovations serve people, preserve the cultural distinctiveness of the area, and enable biodiversity.

Students on Aalto University Campus

Benefits of Sustainable Mobility

Sustainable mobility is ecologically sustainable as it reduces emissions and other environmental impacts such as noise and space requirements.

Sustainable mobility is economically sustainable as investments in it are more cost-effective compared to other modes of transportation when considering both the travel distances and overall benefits. Sustainable mobility is also financially favorable for the traveler, considering the overall impacts.

Sustainable mobility is socially sustainable as it improves mobility opportunities for all users, increases active transportation, promotes wellbeing, and enhances the attractiveness of areas.

Sustainable campus

The key environmental impacts of the campus are related to energy consumption and transport. A sustainable and carbon neutral campus is at the core of the campus strategy.

Väre ja Kauppakorkeakoulu aurinkopaneelit Kuva: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto-yliopisto

Campus bikes and cycling

The mode of transport has a significant impact on the environment. Aalto strives to offer the most sustainable way of transport between campuses and within. Aalto and ACRE cooperate with HRT and nearby cities.

Otaniemessä on kampuspyörät helpottavat henkilökunnan liikkumista.

Driving and parking at Otaniemi

Driving and parking at Otaniemi

Renault Zoe electric vehicle

Spot the Jokeri Light Rail on the Otaniemi campus!

The technical test runs of the Jokeri Light Rail line will start on the Otaniemi area at 1st March 2023.

Raide-Jokeri raitiovaunu

Aalto University Campus & Real Estate - ACRE

Aalto University Campus & Real Estate (ACRE) maintains, develops and rents out Aalto University facilities in Otaniemi and Töölö. We also build new concepts and shared facilities for parties outside the university, thus turning Otaniemi into a unique partnership centre and the most inspiring campus in the world.

Students with bicycles in Otaniemi

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