
Text components for

There are a few different ways to showcase actual text at

Text paragraph component

Text paragraph is the body text field. A text paragraph can include the basic formatting options:

Subtitle level 2 = heading h2

Subtitle level 3 = heading h3

  • The main title of any page is Title = heading h1 and it is formatted automatically.

Bolding and linking text/words

Regular text with boldand links. Link can also be presented with link highlight style which adds a black line under the link, an arrow in front of it, and moves the linked text onto its own line, see below link highlight style

Positioning text in tables and lists

There are a few ways to clarify or even emphasise your text by utilising a table and listings. See below for examples of both.

Title of table
First cell (header row) Second cell (header row)
Third cell Fourth cell
Fifth cell Sixth cell

Top tip: click on the Tab key in the last cell to add a new row to your table

  • Bullet point 1
    • Top tip: to add a sub bullet point press Enter at the end of the previous line and then click on the Tab key
      • this is the lowest sub-level for bullet point
  • Bullet point2
  • Bullet point 3
  1. Numbered list item No. 1
    1. Top tip: to add a sub-numbered list item  press Enter at the end of the previous line and then click on the Tab key
      1. this is the lowest sub level for a numbered listing item
  2. Numbered list item No. 2

Quote component

Quotes can be used to highlight a sentence that someone has said. The sentence needs to be short, max. 120 charactes (including spaces). A quote can include an image. See below for examples of quotes with and without an image.

Kindly note, that quotations marks are not used with this component as a quotation mark is part of the element already.

This is a quote without an image.

Quote source, which usually comprises the person's title, name and the organisation.
Aalto University, Otaniemi stories: Varvara Zhemchuzhnikova, student of Fashion and Clothing Design / Photographer: Sinikoski

This is a quote with an image.

Quote source, which usually comprises the person's title, name and the organisation.

Highlight component

The text highlight component can be used similarly to quotes to emphasise a short text piece or a sentence (max. 120 characters with spaces). Highlights have two theme options: Blue and Yellow. See below for examples of both themes. Highlights should not contain any new information that isn't already elsewhere on the page.

Kindly note, that the Highlight component is not to be used for titles or sub-titles. This, because your content won't be included in searches and, therefore, won't reach the targeted audience(s). The search engines favour the set formattings: Heading 1 (i.e. the main title), Heading 2, and Heading 3.

Listing component

Listing is a text component where you can add titles/categories and add information about them. The component has two display modes: accordion and double-column ones.

Accordion is a type of menu where the user can click the categories that open up giving more information on the topic conserned. The double-column listing shows all  information on the page, where the title/category is on the left and the text on the right.

You can edit the item titles, descriptions, links and the link texts. See below for an example of listing with two items in both display modes (listing, double column). The items can include the basic text formatting.

The category of a listing column item (double column)

The description of the listing element.

The category of a listing column item (double column)

The description for the second item.

Horizontal divider component

The horizontal divider can be used to separate two text paragraphs with a horizontal line. Below is an example of the horizontal divider. 

More Drupal instructions and tips

Components: how to create content for

Get to know the components for creating versatility and visuality when delivering your content.

General writing guidelines for articles in English

How to write and edit English-language press releases and news.

Kuvituskuva näppäimistöstä. Kuvittaja: Ida-Maria Wikström.

Siteimprove helps you polish the content

The tool automatically scans your pages, and seeks for improvements, such as broken links and misspellings, which you can then correct. Read on! page types

Want to learn more about a specific page type at

Student at laptop. Photo by Aalto University / Aino Huovio
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