
Guidelines for writing news on management appointments 

Follow these tips to write a slick news item about a new member of the management team or board of directors 
Kuvituskuvassa lamppuja. Kuvittaja: Taru Happonen.
Image: Taru Happonen

What is an appointment news story?  

These articles are written when a new member of the University's management team or board of directors is appointment. Similar news items can also be written about other notable appointment, such as that of a public figure or a professor of practice. However, as a general rule, when someone becomes a professor, a Q&A story is written instead (see an example). 

An appointment news story is the university’s official statement that a person of significance has joined the management team. The management team and the board of directors are key strategic posts and therefore we want to report who has been chosen for these roles. If a member of the board of directors or the management team is elected for a further term, the need for a new news story will be considered separately.  

Note that the lifespan of appointment news stories is long, as many will read the story check the start date, term, or other details about the appointment.  


In the headline, clearly indicate who has been appointed and for what task. You don’t have to mention Aalto University in the headline of the online news piece, but it is added to the press release.  

  • Ilkka Niemelä appointed President of Aalto University 


The subhead, or subheadline, offers some additional information about the appointment.  

Main text 

At the beginning of the main text, outline who has been appointed. Mention the title of the person being appointed.  

  • Example: Professor Ilkka Niemelä   

When suitable, refer to the appointing body, for example, the Academic Affairs Committee.  

Describe the person's work history and the most relevant previous experience for the new task. Make note of the appointee’s most important positions of responsibility, as well as international experience.   

Include where the appointee has earned his or her highest degree, the length of the term at hand and when it will begin. Do not report the appointee’s age or year of birth. 

The story should not contain any quotations unless the news concerns the appointment of a member of the board or the president. The president thanks and welcomes new members of the board of directors as well as the chairman of the board of directors.  

At the end of the story, list whom the management team member reports to. A story about the president’s appointment should include a link to their CV.  

In some cases, you may explain why the position became available, for example, that the previous term ended or the previous post holder retired.   

Image and caption 

The press release should include a high-quality, high-resolution photo with accompanying caption, which can reiterate something previously mentioned or provide additional information. 

Guidelines for writing a Q&A article

Learn how to write a must-read interview with Aalto personnel.

Kuvituskuvassa kaksi puhelinta, joiden näytöillä kasvot. Kuvitus: Taru Happonen.

Instructions for writing news on cooperation

Utilise tips and write an interesting story about a new agreement or donation

Kuvituskuva, jossa kaksi henkilöä "heittää ylävitoset". Kuvitus: Vesa-Matti Juutilainen.

General writing guidelines for articles in English

How to write and edit English-language press releases and news.

Kuvituskuva näppäimistöstä. Kuvittaja: Ida-Maria Wikström.

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