School of Business

Premium Partner - PwC

Collaboration with PwC is versatile and has long roots. They help our students develop their skills, recruit new talents and get valuable insights from our students.
Smiling people standing in front of a colorful wall with PwC logo
PwC at Aalto Talent Expo 2022. Photographer Sara Vertanen.

One of our longest partnership co-operations is with PwC. They joined the Premium Partner Program in 2001, the very first year the program was established. Our collaboration has actually a long history already before that but the program gave it more depth and width within the School of Business.   

PwC is an international network of member firms. They have operations in 156 countries and in Finland employ over 1200 experts. The annual report also reveals that the PwC trainee program employs over 200 future experts annually. This is actually one of the main targets of our collaboration – Aalto University students and alumni are highly valued employees in PwC. The cooperation is diverse because the service range of PwC (consulting, deals, tax, legal, audit and other assurance services) corresponds well the programs taught  in the School of Business.  

PwC is actively involved in the School’s teaching, from the basic courses up to the Capstone courses, which are for students near graduation. The students get valuable information on the skills and competencies needed in the working life and get to practice their skills in various projects. According to PwC one of the most important working life skills is communication with clients and that is something you can’t learn from course books. Fortunately the project courses help in developing this competence, too. PwC has also commissioned several Customized Student Business Projects in which their business has gained valuable background information for their work with their clients.

For students

PwC has a Trainee program that runs yearly and covers all business units. The Accounting Trainee-positions are always at the beginning of the year and others mainly in the fall or spring.

Read more about PwC as an employer from their JobTeaser profile (requires Aalto authentication):

Link to the JobTeaser company profile

See all PwC:s Jobs (from all countries) in JobTeaser:

Link to JobTeaser job portal 


More articles about our collaboration:

Räätälöity opiskelijaprojekti PwC:lle

Students helped PwC respond to increasing competition in Tax and Legal Services market

PwC Finland utilises the results of the study in its own strategy work

PwC:lle tehdyn opiskelijaprojektin projektitiimi

How do companies handle EU’s new sustainability regulations?

Two School of Business students examined Nordic firms for PwC Finland

Räätälöity opiskelijoiden yritysprojekti PwC:lle, työryhmä

Students reported for PwC on the impacts of new EU legislation on Finnish platform companies

A project commissioned by PwC examined the impact of regulations on the business models of platform economy operators and their capabilities to use data.

Katri Kaitila

Alumna Katri Kaitila: Of the skills I learned in my time at the School of Business, I consider the basics I learned in accounting courses to be the most important

Katri Kaitila works as an Audit Manager at PwC in Private Company Services. What sorts of skills have been useful in Katri's work? And what advice would Katri give herself at the beginning of her studies? Read about Katri’s career path.

Opiskelijoiden yritysprojektin tiimi, PwC

Tax and law related applications of natural language processing (NLP) studied in a student project

PwC is considering collaboration with growth companies found through the project.


Partnership Programme for long-term collaboration

Aalto University’s School of Business has its own Partnership Programme to build and maintain close, long-term relations with companies. The programme is the only one of its kind in Finnish universities, and also connects the partners with the other Schools and fields at Aalto University.

Read more
Partnership Program

More information

Annemari Rautio

Annemari Rautio

Senior Manager, Corporate Relations, School of Business

Ways to cooperate

From below you will find some ways to collaborate with Aalto University School of Business.  

Opiskelijoita Kauppakorkeakoululla. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

Customized Student Business Projects

Contact us when you need bright minds to analyse and solve your challenges. We will tailor a student project according to your needs.

School of Business
Kauppakorkeakoulun Cafe Kylterin edusta.

Build your Employer Brand at the School of Business

We offer marketing and event visibility services to employers at the School of Business

School of Business
Project work course gala

Study Projects

In study projects, students solve real-life cases together with companies and other organisations.

Corporate collaboration
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