Research & Art

Research Ethics and Research Integrity

Aalto University is committed to following the guidelines for research ethics and integrity. You will find help and advice on questions on research integrity, how to conduct your research with integrity, from the Aalto’s research integrity advisers, look up Research Integrity. Research Ethics Review of research projects with human participants (non-medical) can be applied form Aalto University Research Ethics Committee. For help to reflect and find Aalto guidelines and services on a variety of research ethical and integrity questions look up "How to make an ethics self-assessment in research" - page.
People working

Research Ethics and Integrity at Aalto

People in a library

Research integrity

Research integrity and responsible conduct in research are based on binding guidelines agreed within the research community.

Aalto-yliopisto / Harald Herlin -oppimiskeskus / kirjahyllyt / kuva: Tuomas Uusheimo

Handling of misconduct, violation of research integrity guidelines, at Aalto University

Guidelines on how research ethics misconduct cases are handled in Aalto


Different perspectives to research ethics. How to make an ethics self-assessment in research projects – Aalto support and guidelines

Here we provide support, links and tips on how to work your way through the EU Grants: How to complete your ethics self-assessment – document

For personnel – highlights and support for your work

Research ethics review: Research Ethics Committee

Aalto University Research Ethics Committee is responsible for the research ethical evaluation of  the university's non-medical research projects with human participants.


Training and education on research ethics and integrity

Aalto University offers all doctoral students training in research ethics. (link below). Trainings on research ethics and research integrity, good scientific practice, can also be found in the open science training videos (link below). You can also request a seminar about research ethics and/or integriy in general or focusing on a theme for your research group/department/etc. by contacting the secretary of the research ethics committee.

People in a library

Research Ethics for Doctoral Students (course)

Essentials of research ethics for doctoral thesis work, offered in period II and period IV

Doctoral education
RDM & Open Science Training

Training in Research Data Management and Open Science

We offer free and open to all training in research data management and open science.



Guidelines on good scientific practice and research integrity (RI guidelines) updated

Tutkimuseettisen neuvottelukunnan (TENK) antama Hyvän tieteellisen käytännön ohjeistus (HTK-ohje) on uudistunut. The guidelines have been drafted by TENK in cooperation with the Finnish research community.


New concise process available for research ethics statement requests

At Aalto University there are now two processes open for research ethics statement requests: the committee (full) process and concise process with committee chair decision.

UniPID and TENK Release Ethical Guidelines for Global South Academic Partnerships

UniPID and TENK Release Ethical Guidelines for Global South Academic Partnerships

As academic partnerships with the Global South continue to gain popularity, issues related to resource distribution, power dynamics, and whose voices are heard and valued often arise.

Annukka Jyrämä

Annukka Jyrämä

U901 Research Services
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