
Handling of misconduct, violation of research integrity guidelines, at Aalto University

The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) has published the Finnish code of conduct for research integrity and procedures for handling alleged violations of research integrity in Finland (the RI Guidelines) in co-operation with the Finnish research community. The objective is to promote the research integrity (in Finnish hyvä tieteellinen käytäntö) while ensuring that the alleged violations are handled with competence, fairness and expediency.
Aalto-yliopisto / Harald Herlin -oppimiskeskus / kirjahyllyt / kuva: Tuomas Uusheimo

Aalto University follows a self-regulation framework, which is based on the national guidelines on the identification and investigation of research integrity (RI) violations. You can find help in question related to research integrity from research integrity advisers. 

RI Guidelines have been updated in 2023. Transitional provisions of RI Guidelines 2023 will be applied for the violations and allegations during the transition period:

The allegation of misconduct cannot be made anonymously and all documents relating to the handling of a case of misconduct are public. Allegation of misconduct within Aalto University is to be sent to [email protected] (post address Kirjaamo, PL 11000) and addressed to the president of Aalto University.

The process for handling research integrity misconduct cases
The process for handling research integrity misconduct cases

Allegations concerning possible research integrity violations are handled in Aalto University in three phases: 1) submitting a notification and making the decision whether the process is initiated 2) preliminary inquiry and reasoned, written decision by the president 3) possible investigation proper by investigation committee and reasoned, written decision by the president. Whenever the process is concluded in the university (phases 1-3), parties may request a statement by TENK.​

There are templates available for announcing a suspect of misconduct. You can find more information and upload the templates from here:

Note that for other than research integrity misconduct cases Aalto has other channels for reporting. 

Channels for raising your concern

Aalto University’s ethical channel is for notifying about illegalities or misconduct appearing in the operations of Aalto University or of companies in the Aalto University Group. Inappropriate conduct, harassment and reports related to occupational safety will be referred for investigation to the investigatory processes concerned with investigating such matters.

Encore people

Ethical channel

Aalto University and its subsidiaries have an ethical channel where staff, students and other members of the university community as well as stakeholders may report any misconduct they perceive.

Aalto University
People sitting around tables in BIZ premises

Intervening in the harassment and inappropriate treatment experienced by the personnel

The Code of Conduct is one way of putting our values and way of working - the foundation of our community culture - into practice.


Responsible for RCR process in Aalto Unversity

Anni Tuomela

Data Protection Officer and Legal Counsel
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