Funding for exchange studies
Information about exchange scholarships.
Student Guide
After Aalto University has selected you for exchange, your information will be sent to the host university. This is called a nomination.
After the nomination either Aalto University orthe host university will send you information regarding their own application process, usually by e-mail. Please check your Aalto email regularly, including the junk mail. Most of the exchange universities also have application instructions in their www-sites. Note that you are responsible for filling in the application on time.
You are officially accepted to the exchange destination once you receive an acceptance letter from your host university.
You will receive instructions by email on what documents you will need to return to Aalto University prior to your exchange, before the first part of your scholarship can be paid. The documents and other requirements may vary depending on your exchange programme (bilateral, Erasmus or other).
Before your exchange period starts you need to submit the following documents
Fill in the online ARTS student exchange scholarship form in the ARTS Study Abroad -portal.
The form is normally available in the portal from May/November onwards. Students who have been selected for student exchange abroad will be notified by email when the form is available. You can fill the online scholarship form only after you have received the official acceptance letter from the host institution.
Attach the official acceptance letter (e.g. email) which you have received from the host institution to the online scholarship form.
Erasmus+ exchange students must also attach to the scholarship form signed Erasmus+ grant agreement.
In addition to this, Erasmus+ participants must also return the Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement in the ARTS Study Abroad Portal. You will receive instructions by email after your Online Learning Agreement has been activated.
If your original study plan has changed, update it to the Erasmus+ orBilateral learning agreementand get it approved and signed by your ARTS Academic Advisor. Students who participate in Erasmus+ exchange, must make the changes on the Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement.
Read also the Erasmus students rights and obligations document made by the European Commission.
Please note as well:
The student is committed to follow the requirements on the number of credits completed during the exchange. The student is obliged to find out about the course requirements, such as the attendance requirements in the exchange destination when the semester begins. If the student fails to meet the credit requirements despite their attempts (e.g. failing a course) or for reasons not dependent on them (e.g. a course is cancelled) must they be able to provide an written statement about occurred, such as a message from a teacher or school administrative if asked.
In case the student does not have a valid reason for failing to comply with the exchange requirements, or if the number of completed credits is considerably below the requirement, the second instalment of the exchange scholarship may not be paid in full or at all. In some cases the already paid scholarships might have to be returned as well.
You can find a guide for outgoing exchange students here: Guide for outgoing exchange students (EN, updated 4/2022)
Erasmus+ is a European Union student exchange programme offering financial support for university level exchanges between European countries.Before the exchange you must prepare the following obligatory Erasmus-programme documents:
Read also the Erasmus students rights and obligations document made by the European Commission.
The student is committed to follow the requirements on the number of credits completed during the exchange. The student is obliged to find out about the course requirements, such as the attendance requirements in the exchange destination when the semester begins. If the student has failed to meet the credit requirements despite their attempts (e.g. failing a course) or for reasons not dependent on them (e.g. a course is cancelled) must they be able to provide a written statement about occurred, such as a message from a teacher or school administrative is asked.
In case the student does not have a valid reason for failing to comply with the exchange requirements, or if the number of completed credits is considerably below the requirement, the second instalment of the exchange scholarship may not be paid in full or at all. In some cases the already paid scholarships might have to be returned as well.
Please also read the European Commission document on Erasmus students rights and obligations.
You have to have the “attending” status at Aalto University while on exchange. You are completing studies as a part of your Aalto degree, even though you are not physically present. Please note that you must also pay for the FSHS membership fee for the period you are on exchange.
Aalto University organizes a departure orientation for all outgoing exchange students. The orientation is arranged twice per year. We highly recommend attending the orientation – you’ll receive all the practical tips and instructions at once.
You can find the materials of the latest departure orientation below.
We recommend that every student makes a travel notification, either to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland or to a similar agency in your home country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can contact you if in case of emergency or crisis if you have done the travel notification.
In addition, please find out where the closest consulate /Embassy of your country is situated. Finnish citizens can also contact consulates /embassies of other Nordic Countries, if there is no Finnish Embassy / consulate in the country.
Add phone numer(s) to your phone with ICE (In Case of Emergency) prefix. Setting an ICE number to show in your phone's lock screen is advicable.
Students themselves are responsible for arranging and paying their flights and accommodation. Receiving universities usually help students to arrange accommodation: in some of the universities accommodation is guaranteed for everyone whereas some universities only assist in finding accommodation. More information concerning the procedures of each university is found on travel reports and websites of each university.
Arranging the insurances is the student's own responsibility. A travel insurance is recommended for every destination. It is recommended to take a travel insurance which covers not only journeys, living in the exchange country and visits to other countries, but also medical transportation and escort to your home country. Also expenses that might occur if the exchange period is interrupted or cancelled should be covered. Aalto University does not support the student in additional costs related to travelling (returning home), accommodation or one’s properties. Note! In some destinations (e.g. North America) the exchange university might require a local insurance.
Finland has made social security agreements with many countries. These agreements also cover the level of general practitioner treatment. KELA offers more information concerning these arrangements. In the Nordic countries a Finnish passport or a KELA card and a certification of residency in Finland is sufficient for the right for medical treatment.
With the European Health Insurance Card students can get necessary medical treatment during a temporary residence in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland. Each country is providing health care according to their regulations. The card holder is eligible to receive health care with the same prices as the citizens of the specific country. It is possible to have access to health care in acute health concerns or if a chronic disease requires immediate care. The European health insurance carddoes not cover situations where the reason for the stay is to receive health care.If the visited health practitioner is not a part of the country’s health insurance system, you have to pay all the expenses yourself.
Familiarize yourself with the procedures of your host country already before the exchange. You may receive more information from the country’s health care insurance institute.
The European health insurance card does not cover transportation back to Finland (outside the Nordic countries) even in medical emergencies. Therefore, Aalto University recommends students to acquire a private health insurance in addition to the European health insurance. In addition, in some countries the health care provided is quite limited.
For more information see Kela’s website.
If the student needs a visa or a residence permit to the exchange country, he/she will apply for it independently. Visas can be applied for after receiving the official acceptance letter from the exchange university. The best source of information is the embassy of the exchange country. The visa application process might be slow; therefore, enough time should be reserved for this stage. Some exchange universities also provide help for the visa application process. If the country does not have an embassy in Finland, it’s visa applications are handled in another counry. You will find more information from the website of the ministry of foreign affairs of Finland.
Students going to EU-countries may have to acquire a permit of residence. This permit is acquired from the local authorities usually after arriving to the destination country, in case the stay is more than 3 months.
Remember to make a notification of change of address in Finland! You can do this in the post office or electronically.
If you live in AYY or HOAS housing, you can sublet your apartment. More information on their webpages.
You can contact one of our Global Alumni Agents in over 20 countries, who are Aalto University graduates with international experience. These alumni are volunteeringtheir time and know-how to support Aalto students. Check the Global Alumni Agents here and contact them.
Information about exchange scholarships.
Important things during the exchange.