Student Guide

After the exchange

After returning from the exchange, you must transfer the credits completed during the exchange to your degree at Aalto. In addition, you must write a report about your experience of exchange and possibly return other documents, depending on your exchange program.

Post-exchange documents and credit transfer

Below you can find detailed information on the post-exchange requirements of your school.

Exchange report

Returning the exchange report is one of the conditions for receiving the second part of the Aalto exchange scholarship. 

  • start the report in pdf format, max. 2MB.
  • Write a report within 1 month of the end of the exchange.
  • The recommended language is English, but you can also write in Finnish or Swedish.
  • Mention your own degree program in Aalto, the name of your exchange university and the exchange period with semester accuracy.
  • The length of the exchange report is min. 2500 words + possible pictures. The exchange reports are published in the exchange location database presenting the exchange destinations.
  • The content of the report is public. If you don't want your information to appear in e.g. Google search, write the report with your student number. Also, remember to remove "Author" from the document before saving the document if you don't want it to appear in the document information. Instructions for deleting data (in English)
  • Do not mention people by name in your report.

The second installment of the Aalto exchange scholarship

When you have submitted all the exchange documents and fulfilled the exchange returnee's obligations, Aalto University will pay the second installment of your scholarship.

If the documents have not been returned in required order or other conditions set for your exchange (such as the required number of credits) have not been fulfilled, write an explanation of your situation and the reasons that led to it and send the explanation by e-mail to the exchange coordinator of your own Aalto school. If the goals of the exchange have not been met without a valid reason, the second installment of the scholarship can be left unpaid, either in whole or in part. If the number of credits completed during the exchange falls significantly below the required amount, the first installment of the already paid scholarship can also be recovered either partially or completely.

Please note that it is only possible to pay scholarships twice a month and Aalto's payroll department needs information about the scholarship to be paid well in advance. This affects the timing of the payment of the second part of the scholarship.

School of Business: If you have to complete the International minor at Aalto, the additional studies must be agreed upon before the second installment of the scholarship can be paid.

Checklist for returning the documents

  Bilateral, Nordtek, free mover exchange Erasmus-exchange
After Exchange-PORTAL x x
Transfering the exchange credits (SISU) x x
Exchange report (After exchange-portal) ARTS, CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI ARTS, CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI
Transcript of Records, host university (After exchange-portal) x x
Transcript of Records, Aalto University (After exchange portal) CHEM, ENG, SCI CHEM, ENG, SCI
Feedback form (online) ARTS, BIZ ARTS, BIZ
Study plan / learning agreement, duly signed by all parties
(After exchange-portal)
Erasmus Letter of Confirmation  (After exchange-portal)   x
OLS-language test (online)    x
EU Survey / Participant report (online)    x

Reverse culture shock

After an exchange study period, encountering your own culture again can feel surprisingly strange. The reverse / return shock is often much more unexpected than the culture shock experienced during the exchange. When returning, the shock can also be stronger than when arriving in a foreign culture.

Finding one's place again in the old environment takes time. While you were abroad, you gained a lot of new experiences. You may feel that you have changed as a person during your exchange year, but life at home has remained the same as before your exchange period. On the other hand, the home environment may have changed in an unexpected way. You should prepare for your return by thinking about what lies ahead.

Exchange study is a unique experience that broadens the world view. However, the journey to the world does not end when you return home. That's just the beginning.

Stay global

  • Take part in the return orientation organized by Aalto University.
  • Come tell us about your exchange at the exchange information organized in Aalto and inspire others to go on an exchange.
  • Be active and participate in tutoring international students in your student organization. This is how you maintain internationality in your life at your home campus and offer valuable help to students arriving in Finland.
  • Continue your language studies with language courses. You have gained important working life skills in exchange.
  • Update your CV to reflect your skills.
  • Don't forget your experience. Continue on the international road in the future as well.


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Student guide illustration, exchange studies

During the exchange

Important things during the exchange.

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Student guide illustration, exchange studies

Contact information for outgoing exchanges

Exchange coordinators' contact information (outgoing exchanges from Aalto to partner universities).

Other studies
Exchange studies

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