
New podcast: Puttonen & Vilkkumaa

The new podcast from the School of Business discusses the idea that better business builds a better society.
Kuvassa näkyvät Puttonen & Vilkkumaa -podcastin juontajat, professori Vesa Puttonen ja apulaisprofessori Eeva Vilkkumaa.
Professor Vesa Puttonen and Assistant Professor Eeva Vilkkumaa host the new podcast. Photo: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto University.

The School of Business has started a new podcast Puttonen & Vilkkumaa that executes the School’s motto “Better Business – Better Society” by discussing actual topics in the area of business and society.

Professor of Finance Vesa Puttonen and Assistant Professor of Information and Service Management Eeva Vilkkumaa host the podcast and in each episode, one of the School’s researchers discusses an actual business topic with a guest coming from outside the university world.

Finnish was chosen as the language of the podcast as there is currently a limited supply of Finnish podcasts that talk about business from the point of view of research. 

The Puttonen & Vilkkumaa podcast can be accessed through Spotify and iTunes as well as through the website. The podcast is produced in co-operation with Jaksomedia. 

Listen to the episodes on Spotify

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Aalto-yliopiston valkoinen 3D-logo, iso A huutomerkillä, kampuksen nurmikolla / kuvaaja Mikko Raskinen, Aalto-yliopisto
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