Management of School of Business

Administration, decision making processes, the bodies involved and leadership in the School of Business.

Kauppakorkeakoulun portaat, eri kerroksia ja käytäväperspektiiviä..

Academic decision-making

The primary body for academic issues is the Academic Committee. Select academic matters are also handled by the other listed committees, in accordance with school bylaws.

Academic Committee (KAAK)

According to the Aalto University Bylaws the School's decision-making bodies are the Dean and the Academic Committee for Business and Economics.

Kauppakorkeakoulun istuntosali. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto

Doctoral Programme Committee

School of Business Doctoral Programme Committee (former Dissertation Committee)

Two stacks of business books

The Tenure Track Committee of the School of Business

The Tenure Track Committee of the School of Business

BIZ main building_Mika Huisman

Teaching Competence Assessment Committee (TCAC) - School of Business

School of Business Teaching Competence Assessment Committee


MBA Board of Studies (BoS)

The Aalto University MBA Board of Studies is appointed by the Dean of the School of Business and is convened to support the development and quality assurance of programs delivered by Aalto University Executive Education and Professional Development.

Alaspäin vievät portaat, projektitiloja lasiseinien takana

Preparation for decision-making

Close-up of two students making notes to research articles that they are reading.

Management teams

School of Business Management Teams

Management of School of Business

Decision-making support

A number of other bodies participate in the governance of the school by supporting the work of the decision-making bodies.

Scientific Advisory Board

The School of Business Scientific Advisory Board evaluates the research quality and supports the development of the School.

The picture shows the School of Business in winter time and during sunset. The photo was taken by Mikko Raskinen from Aalto University.

International Advisory Board

International Advisory Board

Kauppakorkeakoulun istuntosali, jonka seinällä Maiju Salmenkiven taulut

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee at the School of Business

The School of Business Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is committed to fostering and coordinating the work of equality, diversity and inclusion within the school. The mandate period of the current EDI Committee lasts until December 31, 2024.

Kuvituskuva: SCIn kristallikukat

School of Business Alumni Advisory Board

Alumni Advisory Board steering group discusses policies related to the School's alumni activities, external relations, and fundraising. The steering group consists of 10–14 alumni representatives from the various study programmes of the School of Business and from different fields of business. The steering group meets approximately four times per year.

School of Business Alumni Advisory Board 2022.

School of Business Alumni Ambassadors

Alumni Ambassadors consist of 50 active alumni, who support our School in developing the alumni activities. In addition, the Ambassadors also serve as a bridge between students, the School of Business and business life.

In the picture, there are some of the School of Business Alumni Ambassadors

Corporate Advisory Board

Information on the School of Business Corporate Advisory Board

Kauppakorkeakoulu ulkopäin kuvattuna lumisissa maisemissa. Kuva: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto-yliopisto

School of Business ICT Work Group

Here you can find the members of the School of Business ICT Work Group.

A person typing on a laptop, with notebook and table open, sun shines on the items

Picture of Aalto University School of Business building captured from outside in the spring.

School of Business

Get in contact with our management and experts and find the School of Business locations. We operate in Otaniemi (Espoo) and in Mikkeli.

School of Business

Head of Development

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