School of Business

School of Business Alumni Advisory Board

Alumni Advisory Board steering group discusses policies related to the School's alumni activities, external relations, and fundraising. The steering group consists of 10–14 alumni representatives from the various study programmes of the School of Business and from different fields of business. The steering group meets approximately four times per year.
School of Business Alumni Advisory Board 2022.
Alumni Advisory Board 2022. From the left: Timo Korkeamäki, Fiona Jokivuolle, Pekka Rantala, Norbert Juhász, Elisa Liekkilä, Alexei Koveshnikov, Riitta Lumme-Tuomala, Jonna Söderholm, Mia Sirkiä, Pekka Ala-Pietilä, Sampo Päällysaho. Photo: Roope Kiviranta

Alumni Advisory Board provides important insights and input concerning how to further develop the alumni activities of the School of Business (and Aalto University in general), helps to brainstorm on externally oriented activities, and supports the School of Business and Aalto University in their fundraising activities. In addition, the board members participate in the selection of the Alumnus/Alumna of the year. The members of Alumni Advisory Board are appointed by Dean of the School of Business for two years. The members can be re-elected.


In addition to the alumni members presented below, the members of the board also include the School of Business Dean Timo Korkeamäki, School of Business Head of External Relations, School's alumna Jonna Söderholm, Alumni Relations Manager, and the Chairman of the Board of Aalto University Business Students (KY).

Kristo Ovaska, Kauppakorkeakoulun Vuoden Alumni 2022
Kristo Ovaska

Kristo Ovaska, Chair of the Alumni Advisory Board

I started my studies at Helsinki School of Economics in 2004 and majored in economics. I am the co-founder of the technology company, and I was the CEO of the company for ten years. Today, I am a board member at the company. 

Kaisa Vikkula
Kaisa Vikkula

Kaisa Vikkula

I completed my Master’s degree in the years 1980–1985, international economics as my major. After that I completed Doctoral’s degree in the School of Economics and the University of Michigan in the years 1990–1993. I am the CEO of Soprano Plc and its subsidiary company, Management Institute of Finland MIF Oy.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

Be curious in your studies. Take an advantage of the learning environment and discuss different subjects with your fellow students and teaching staff. Take part in student activities in different clubs, associations or in the startup community. You can practice in a safe environment and you will gain life-long friendships and valuable experience for your career.

Terttu Sopanen
Terttu Sopanen

Terttu Sopanen

During the years 1990-1998, I studied Finnish language and communications as my major and accounting as my minor. Now I work as a Senior Consultant at Brunnen Communications.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

It is more important to find something that currently interests you, rather than wondering whether it is the right choice for the future. According to a survey by OECD, 40 % of the British people currently work on a different field than what they studied, a third of the French, and even every fourth Finn.

It’s worth following the business life and connect it to your studies. I encourage you to do lots of case projects with companies and carry out your Master’s thesis for a company/organization. Keep your eyes open, believe in yourself and take the chances! The School of Business degree is appreciated in the working life. Just increase your expertise and strengths, and offer them boldly to the organizations that interest you!

Norbert Juhász
Norbert Juhász

Norbert Juhász

I started my studies in 2010, at the time when Helsinki School of Economics was turning into Aalto University. I started in the Master's Program in International Business but a year later I also joined the CEMS MIM program. I finished both of them in 2013.

Currently, I work as a Business Intelligence Manager at Fiskars Corporation.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

I suggest to appreciate your study years. Plan them well so that you earn not only valuable knowledge, skills and network for your future career, but also memorable personal experiences. The School of Business provides an excellent ground for all of these. On the top, the School's new 'Better Business - Better Society' endeavour is something very worthwhile to be proud of.

Elisa Liekkilä
Elisa Liekkilä

Elisa Liekkilä

My studies in International Business began in 2008 in the Mikkeli Campus and I finished my Master's studies with the same major in 2016 in Töölö. Studies took me also abroad: First to Mexico and then Germany. During the years I got to experience the exciting transformation from the Helsinki School of Economics to Aalto.

Currently I enjoy daily bringing Business, Design and Technology together as a Sales Manager at Tieto.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

What we have at Aalto is something very unique, so cherish your study time as well as slow down to enjoy the ride and get the most out of it! Also, remember that developing our School is a continuum: the more the School demands from you the better you get, but also vice versa: the more you demand from the School the better it becomes. Be active, be open, be bold to challenge yourself and others!

Alexei Koveshnikov
Alexei Koveshnikov

Alexei Koveshnikov

I studied at Kauppis in 2003 - 2005, I majored in International Business. Currently, I work as an Associate Professor at the Department of Management Studies at Aalto University School of Business.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

In my time here at the School of Business I have seen how much talent and energy of everyone working at the School goes into ensuring that our students get the best possible education and knowledge that would allow them to build successful professional careers and become valuable members of our society. People here truly try to do their best in making sure that our graduates develop into competent, independent and responsible individuals and professionals. To benefits from these efforts in the best possible way during your studies, I hope you will stay curious, motivated, proactive and self-reflexive. Good luck!

Riitta Lumme-Tuomala
Riitta Lumme-Tuomala

Riitta Lumme-Tuomala

I started my studies in 1979 (!). At that time, a new kind of degree in business administration was introduced; and as far as I remember, the class of 1979 was the first class starting with the “new” degree.  My major was international marketing. We were lucky to get to study under the direction of the legendary Reijo Luostarinen. In the international marketing program, we were able to include more credits from languages in the degree than in other programs, so I studied both advanced English and Russian. I worked in Russian trade already a few years before my graduation and continued as M.Sc. for a couple of years. At that time, Russia was Soviet Union, can you imagine! Exciting times! I also completed an EMBA degree in HSE Executive Education in 1999-2000 and defended my doctoral dissertation on Aalto University Executive Education’s DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program in 2017. So, next year I will get to participate in the Ceremonial Conferment again, it’s been a while since my previous conferment on Master’s degree!

What kind of work do you do?

I haven’t gotten very far, at least not geographically 😊 I work at Aalto University Executive Education (Aalto EE) with the title of Head of Growth. Aalto EE moved to Aalto Töölö building, which used to be the School of Business, at the beginning of 2021. At Aalto EE, I am responsible for the Aalto EE brand, communications, and alumni relations.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

You study in a top school, so make the most of it. Look over the school boundaries at the whole Aalto University community, network, and be active. The most important relationships in my life are still my fellow students from the School of Business. That bond somehow never breaks!

Mia Sirkiä
Mia Sirkiä

Mia Sirkiä

I started my studies at the School of Economics in 1994, and I graduated in 1999. Currently, I work as Private Equity Investor and Managing Partner at Saari Partners.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

I recommend being active both during and after your studies - you might get interesting and even surprising job offers along the way.

Jie Ren
Jie Ren

Jie Ren

I did my master's studies in accounting at Aalto University School of Business during 2012-2016. Currently I'm working as corporate tax advisor in KPMG Helsinki.

Your greetings to the students at Aalto University School of Business?

I regretted not to be very active in the student activities and parties, so I hope you guys could enjoy the most out of it. In the meantime, absorb the academic knowledge as much as you can in the school. Most likely you won't have such long and peaceful period when you can focus on something without disturbance.

Sampo Päällysaho

I started my studies in Management at the School of Economics in 1992. Currently, I work as SVP Groceries at SOK. 

Pekka Rantala

I started my studies a the School of Economics in 1986. Currently, I work as CEO of ePassi Payments.

Vesa Sironen

I started my studies at the Mikkeli campus of the School of Business in the BScBA candidate program in 2002. I am currently the Interim CEO of Gapps Oy.


 Aalto University School of Business Alumni Relations

Aalto University School of Business Alumni Relations

For School of Business alumni
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