Course implementation from teacher's view
Instructions for teachers what to notice before the course, during the course and after it.
Personal data form
Please fill in the personal data form before drafting your first employment contract with the Open University. Filling in the form is now done on Workday, Aalto University’s personal data system. You will receive a link to the system from your Open University planning officer.
Employment contract
The planning officer can draft the employment contract for you in Workday. Discuss with the planner the length of your employment. The contract should be drawn up so that the it begins well before (2 to 3 weeks) the teaching begins. Arrange the contract’s termination date so that you it leaves you enough time for grading, etc., after your teaching has ended.
Your supervisor is the Open University’s manager. The manager approves the contract, at which point the information transfers to the other Aalto University systems. You will receive a paper copy of the contract (in duplicate) to sign.
If you are a new employee at Aalto University, you must enter your bank account number in the Workday system on the first day of your employment.
If you receive a monthly salary from Aalto University, the planning officer will make arrangements with you so you will receive a separate payment for your Open University teaching. Payment will be sent when the work has finished.
Tax card
Send a copy of your tax card to your payroll team:
[email protected]
You can send a picture of it, if the quality of the picture is adequate (your tax percentage (i.e. withholding rate) and earnings limit should be clearly visible).
Aalto University pays employees twice a month: halfway through the month and at the end of the month. Most hourly teachers are paid on the last day of the month. The date of your first payday depends on the start date of your work as a teacher, which is indicated in your employment contract.
Occupational health care
As an hourly teacher, you are entitled to occupational health care. While your employment contract is valid, the occupational health care services are available to you Monday to Friday until 20.00. In normal situations, you are to use the Terveystalo on Otaniemi campus. In acute situations, you may use the nearest Terveystalo during opening hours.
Terveystalo Otaniemi
Otakaari 27, 02150 Espoo
Customer service and appointment bookings online
Customer service and appointment bookings by phone: 030 6000
Notify the Open University planning officer of any absences and send a message to the Open University service address:
[email protected]
If you are absent for more than three days, you need to send a medical certificate to [email protected].
Other absences
If you need to be absent for other reasons, arrange the absence with a planning officer in advance.
Wage statement, certificate of employment
Wage statement, certificate of employment
Always keep your latest wage slip. The latest one will usually suffice if you need documentation concerning your teaching work at the Open University.
Certificate of employment
If you need a certificate of employment, ask an Open University planning officer for one when your employment ends.
Aalto University’s Teacher Services
Get acquainted with Aalto’s services for teachers
Aalto IT username and password
Every Aalto University employee receives an IT user identity that includes an Aalto username and an Aalto email address. The period of validity is set according to the employment contract. Aalto University IT will send you an activation message by email.
You can change your password by going to
or by visiting an Aalto University IT service desk.
Service desk contact information and opening hours
Multifactor authentication (MFA)
When logging into your Aalto email or the Workday HR or Sisu student information systems, you need for security reasons to prove your identity using Microsoft Authenticator.
Multifactor authentication for Aalto systems
Aalto user ID gives you access to these systems
Aalto email
For information security, you should always use your Aalto email in work-related matters.
Addresses are in the form [email protected]
Aalto University’s student information system
Aalto University’s digital learning environment
Support services
If you are having technical difficulties with email, contact: Aalto University IT
[email protected]
For support with the Sisu student information system, contact:
[email protected]
For support with MyCourses:
Sign in to the Aalto site and go to the MyTeaching Support page at
or email [email protected]
Open University staff:
[email protected]
Keys and access rights
To access the buildings, you will need access cards and/or keys. Different user groups – such as employees, students and visitors – have different access rights.
If your employment contract, Aalto IT username and access card (or access fob, etc.) is in force, you can activate your access rights yourself by using the self-service portal. You can pick up an access card (or equivalent) from Lobby Services. Please note that your access rights may take up to 24 hours to become fully activated after your visit to the portal.
Your access rights in Aalto spaces will be in effect for the duration of your employment contract. Find out about the current policies when you receive your access rights.
Always have an ID on you whenever you visit an Aalto University building.
Workspaces for Open University staff
Workspaces for teachers
Some work desks are reserved for Open University teachers in the U Wing of the Undergraduate Centre, 2nd floor, Room U228. A multifunction printer is located near this workspace, in Room U214. You can use it for scanning, printing and photocopying.
Workspaces for the service group
A room for the Open University service group is located in the first floor of the Learning Centre, Otakaari 9.
Please book a time in advance by emailing [email protected].
Scanning, printing and photocopying
The printers have multiple functionalities. Printer name:
‘Secureprint on’
You can print documents on any printer that is in shared use. If you do not print your document within three hours, the print job will disappear from the queue.
For easier printing, ask for a printing card linked to your Aalto IT username. If you have a card, you do not need to type in your username on the printer screen. Contact the Open University office to ask for a printing card.
Campus map
Campus maps, addresses and opening hours | Otaniemi
For further information about campus spaces, contact Lobby Services.
Departmental courses and non-degree courses
The Open University offers places both in its own (non-degree) courses as well as in courses organised by Aalto departments.
Courses organised by departments
In the departmental courses, Open University students and degree students study together in the same groups. In such course, the department agrees to set aside a certain number of study places for Open University students.
Non-degree courses organised by the Open University
The majority of students in Open University non-degree courses come from outside the university. The teacher is usually an hourly-paid teacher who has an employment contract with Aalto about teaching individual courses. Degree students from Aalto who register for a non-degree course pay the tuition fee and receive a non-degree right to study.
Course descriptions
The planning officer writes a course description based on the approved curriculum. For this, the planner usually modifies the course description appearing in Sisu to make it better suited to the Open University’s marketing purposes.
Aalto University Open University courses
If you want to add information to a description, you can do so in a MyCourses workspace if you have an Aalto IT username and your employment contract is in force. As the teacher, if you do publish a more detailed course description (i.e. course syllabus), then you must do so in the MyCourses workspace at least three (3) weeks before the course begins. If your Aalto username is not yet valid, please contact the planner.
Course schedules and classroom spaces
Aalto University provides Open University teaching year round, including summer term. Teachers can discuss their course schedules with a course planner.
Planning aims to schedule non-degree courses for hours after 17.00, when classrooms are available. Non-degree courses are held during the day only in exceptional circumstances. However, Saturday courses are generally held during the daytime. The Open University does not have courses on Sundays or holidays. Remote teaching also observes these principles.
In the summer, teaching may be arranged in the day and in the evening, also on Saturdays.
Practical arrangements
Arrange with the planner well ahead of time any course assistants and visitors or IT and audiovisual equipment and materials you will need for the course.
Courses are taught in Aalto University spaces or online. Online teaching is usually done in the MyCourses workspace for the course or via Zoom. The planning officer can book the classrooms and make the practical arrangements with the teacher. When booking a classroom, the planner will leave sufficient time for preparing it (e.g. setting up furniture or materials, technical testing of AV or other devices).
Student registration for the course
Students use Aalto’s student information system (Sisu) to register for courses. The courses are filled on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. As the teacher, you cannot guarantee anyone a place in an Open University course. The Open University office takes care of all registration-related matters.
Exam arrangements, registration, support addresses
Open University students register to take examinations. However, the first examination of each course (referred to in Finnish as kurssitentti (KT), or ‘course exam’) is one they do not need to register for. Students must register for make-up exams on Sisu. The teacher decides on the form and arrangements for the course with the planner.
There are three types of examination:
1. On-campus exams, which are held in the evening on campus
2. Remote exams, which are held in a MyCourses workspace at a time set by the teacher
3. EXAM electronic examinations, which are held in special rooms on campus.
On-campus exam questions must be delivered to the Open University office at least two (2) weeks before for the exam day. Open University office staff organise on-campus exams and take care of the exam materials.
For remote exams, you can specify the period of time in which the exam will take place. You need to organise remote examinations yourself.
For technical or pedagogical support, you can contact
MyCourses support at
[email protected]
or fill in the service request form at MyTeaching Support when logged in to Aalto.
EXAM electronic examination support is available at
[email protected]
Communications with students
The planning officer can send you a list of the students in the course and their contact details. Students can contact you by email. Always use your Aalto email in work-related matters.
Changes to course schedules
If you have to change a course schedule, contact the planner as soon as possible. That way, we can ensure that the classroom and access rights are available.
Mid-course surveys
It is possible to collect feedback also during the course. You can find instructions for course feedback tool from here:
Instructions for course feedback tool
Please note that the data from mid-course surveys does not go to the data warehouse and thus does not appear in reporting tools outside of MyCourses.
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning
Aalto University has published guidance for the use of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning.
In addition to the guidelines, practical tips have been compiled for teachers and students on how the use of artificial intelligence could be incorporated into teaching and learning:
Guidance for the use of artificial intelligence
Individual study arrangements for students
Every Aalto student has the right to receive (reasonable) individual study arrangements for medical reasons. In practice, this means making flexible, individual arrangements to enable the student to attend courses and examinations. Open University's planning officer will discuss with the student about necessary individual study arrangements and will write a recommendation for the student. Student will discuss with the teacher about the course specific arrangements.
Grading is a one of a teacher’s work duties. Grades are given for examinations and courses. You must give the grades no later than four (4) weeks after the end of the exam or course.
Save exam and course grades in Sisu. If you need help using Sisu, please contact the Open University office. Instructions for teachers are also available online.
Makeup exam grades are an exception: they must be sent to:
[email protected]
Makeup exam grades are saved by the Open University office.
Required information:
You may leave documents related to the student’s course or exam completion in the Open University office. The retention time is six (6) months.
Sisu HELP instructions for teaching staff
Students’ rights
Students have the right to see their examination responses, even if they took the exam remotely. Students’ completed examinations are retained in the MyCourses workspace. The system administrator may access the examinations if necessary.
Students who are dissatisfied with their examination grade may raise an appeal against it to the teacher in charge of the evaluation (grading). Responding to appeals is one of a teacher’s work duties.
Aalto course feedback
Students are automatically asked for feedback at the end of the course. The feedback is anonymous. Students will receive an e-mail and MyCourses notification when the survey opens. Instructions for using course feedback tool can be found here: Instructions for course feedback tool
The survey contains common questions for Aalto's courses as well as Open University specific questions. School-specific feedback questions (select school ‘Open University’). It is possible to add also your own questions to the feedback survey.
Students should be encouraged to fill in the course feedback survey. The survey is also designed to be easily filled in with a mobile device.
If at least five (5) students have provided feedback, you can view the feedback at MyCourses and respond to the given feeback if you wish to do so.
For support with course feedback, contact
[email protected]
Aalto University Code of Conduct
Aalto University has a Code of Conduct to guide our everyday work. Based on our values, the Code of Conduct helps create a harmonious work culture and encourages everyone to think about the right way of doing things. Aalto University has published an online course for understanding the Code of Conduct. The course introduces the content and purpose of the code, deepening one’s understanding of it through examples from everyday university life. The course is intended for all Aalto employees and takes about 15 minutes to complete.
The Code of Conduct: Values into practice
Preventing mistreatment and inappropriate conduct: general principles
Mistreatment, bullying and sexual harassment are unacceptable at Aalto. Procedures for investigating suspected cases of inappropriate conduct and disruptions of student learning:
How to intervene in incidents of harassment and inappropriate conduct
Recommendations and guidelines concerning social media
For details, see:
Recommendations and guidelines on social media
Accessibility and digital services
The MyCourses website enables accessible teaching. The website also takes accessibility into account. For further information, visit:
Digital accessibility
Digital services are offered based on the 2019 Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019). The act is meant to enhance digital service quality, information security and accessibility as well as content accessibility, thereby giving greater equal access to everyone in the use of digital services.
Act on the Provision of Digital Services
Data protection in course teaching
The processing of student information in the context of course teaching is governed by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Finland’s Universities Act (558/2009) and Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999), and Aalto University guidelines. Please read the detailed guidelines in the following website and observe them in your teaching work:
Data protection in teaching
Cybersecurity and information security training
Aalto University provides cybersecurity and information security training to its employees to ensure that everyone has the knowhow to operate safely online. Every Aalto University employee is required to complete the training.
Aims of the training programme:
Staff benefits
Aalto University Shop
Employees get a 10% discount on publications and other products. The discount does not apply to student projects on sale.
Aalto University Shop
To get a staff discount at UniSport, take along your most recent pay stub or copy of your employment contract when you visit UniSport for the first time.
Open University customer service:
[email protected]
The Open University planning officer’s contact information:
Instructions for teachers what to notice before the course, during the course and after it.
Every student and employee at Aalto University is provided with an Aalto University user ID (user account). With the user ID, you can log in to Aalto’s information systems and use the internal services of the university.
Personal information and bank details are inserted into Workday. The tax cards of employees who are resident taxpayers are usually obtained directly from the Tax Administration.
Open University students are entitled to receive reasonable, individual study arrangements due to an impairment restricting his/her ability to study or other health condition.
A landing page for teachers to help them find services and support related to teaching and learning.