Aalto University Open University

For Open University hourly teachers

These instructions contain key information to help you get a smooth start working at the Open University. Mentoring you will be a planner assigned from the Learning Services Open University team.
Opetus on käynnissä luokkahuoneessa ja opiskelijat kuuntelevat pöytään nojaavaa opettajaansa.

Open University contact details

Open University customer service:
[email protected]

The Open University planning officer’s contact information:

Heikki Hassi

Suunnittelija, opintoasiat

Sannamari Hörkkö


Matti Ojala

Suunnittelija, opintoasiat
Studying. Practical hints for the teacher

Course implementation from teacher's view

Instructions for teachers what to notice before the course, during the course and after it.

Two people working with computers

Activating an Aalto user ID

Every student and employee at Aalto University is provided with an Aalto University user ID (user account). With the user ID, you can log in to Aalto’s information systems and use the internal services of the university.

Keltainen Aalto-kynä

Personal details, bank account and tax card

Personal information and bank details are inserted into Workday. The tax cards of employees who are resident taxpayers are usually obtained directly from the Tax Administration.

Opiskelija työskentelemässä koneen ääressä. Kuva: Unto Rautio.

Individual study arrangements at the Open University

Open University students are entitled to receive reasonable, individual study arrangements due to an impairment restricting his/her ability to study or other health condition.

Aalto University Open University
Lecture hall during the lecture

Teaching and learning

A landing page for teachers to help them find services and support related to teaching and learning.

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