Study options

Data Science, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

Data science gives you the foundations to become a top-level expert in the modern knowledge society. You will obtain the required skills to solve real-world problems using methods of algorithm design, machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistical inference, operations research, and optimization.
Aalto University / students in a class room / photography Aino Huovio


Bachelor of Science (Technology) + Master of Science (Technology)

Application period:

3 Jan 2024 – 17 Jan 2024

Language of instruction:



3+2 years, full-time


General eligibility for higher education

Field of study:

Technology and Engineering


180+120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Science

Tuition fees:

For non-EU/EEA citizens, €12000/y (Bachelor’s studies) + €15000/y (Master’s studies) Read more

Admission to Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology, Bachelor and Master of Science in Technology (3 yrs + 2 yrs)


Data science is one of the majors in the Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology available in English. It is a multidisciplinary field focusing on the study of scientific methods used to extract knowledge from data and build models that cope with complex problems. It employs techniques and theories drawn from the broad areas of mathematics, statistics, information sciences, and computer science.

The Data Science Bachelor will provide you with skills required to become a top-level digitalization expert for trade and industry, science or technology. After completing your studies, you will be able to manage large volumes of data, make sound inferences from data, and build data-driven models that make accurate predictions or take intelligent decisions.

Throughout the studies, emphasis is put on the foundation of mathematics, statistics, and computation, and building a strong background in data science, which will not only educate you with the existing techniques but will also allow you to follow the developments in this rapidly-evolving area.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in the Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology and the Data Science major is English. The programme is conducted entirely in English, meaning that all courses and exams are in English. For students with sufficient proficiency in Finnish, it is also possible to study the 20-25 credit minor subject of the bachelor’s degree in Finnish.

Studies at the master’s level can also be completed entirely in English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Aalto University’s tuition fee for bachelor’s programmes taught in English is 12 000 euros per academic year. Tuition fees apply to citizens of countries other than those of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

Aalto University has a scholarship programme to support non-EU/EEA citizens who study in a fee-charging degree programme. The scholarship may cover 100% or 50% of the tuition fee.

More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.

Structure of studies

The bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) is composed of basic studies of the programme (65 ECTS mathematics, programming, industrial engineering and management, obligatory languages, Aalto studies, orientation), the major in data science (65 ECTS including BSc thesis and seminar), the minor (20-25 ECTS) and elective studies (25-30 ECTS).

More information on the programme content and curriculum can be found in the Student guide. There may be some changes to the courses for the academic years 2024–2026 — the new curricula will be published in April 2024, when they will also be visible in the Student guide

Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology


The main subject in the bachelor's degree is Data Science. As a student of the Data Science major, you are entitled to continue your studies at the master’s level at Aalto University. The major gives you a solid basis for further studies in the Aalto University master’s programmes, for example the Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence major of the Master’s Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences, or the Master’s Programme in Mathematics and Operations Research.


The study environment in Aalto University is strongly international and studies are conducted in multicultural groups. Indicatively, in the departments of Computer Science and Mathematics and Systems Analysis around 20% of the professors are coming from outside of Finland.

Aalto University also offers diverse possibilities for developing one’s global competence by e.g., completing part of the degree abroad in an international partner university, conducting practical training abroad, taking a summer course abroad or acting as a tutor for first-year students.

Further study opportunities

This Bachelor’s Degree gives you a solid basis for further studies in the Aalto University master’s programmes, for example majors in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences (CCIS), Mathematics and Operations Research, Life Science Technologies, and Electrical Engineering. As a student in the Data Science major, you are entitled to continue your studies at the master’s level.

More information can be found in the Student guide.

Career opportunities

The programme aims to educate professionals in a diverse range of activities. Graduates of the programme will obtain the background to start their working life as data scientists, engineers, or technology entrepreneurs, among other professions.

Additionally, the programme prepares the students for advanced studies in engineering, science, and mathematics, so that graduates of the programme will be well-equipped to pursue masters-level studies giving them the opportunity to follow professions, such as engineering scientists, business analysts, industrial researchers, technology leaders, technical managers of cross-disciplinary teams, and more.

Research focus

Aalto University is a world-class research institute in data science and related fields. Students have the opportunity to interact with leading researchers in their respective field, and be involved in frontier research projects

Co-operation with other parties

The affiliated departments of Computer Science and Mathematics and Systems Analysis co-operate closely with national and international companies and research institutes in the field of data science. For example, Aalto University is a leading partner of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), which involves collaboration with companies that have an interest in AI. This interest may include cutting-edge research, education of the personnel, student collaboration and recruitment of young talents, and technology transfer.

Aalto University / students in a class room / photography Aino Huovio

Data Science alumni

See stories and career paths of alumni who have studied Data Science at Aalto.

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Are you wondering what it is like to study at Aalto? Come chat with our students about all things Aalto on Unibuddy chat platform.

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4 student ambassafors taking a selfie

Get to know us

Angeline Jayanegara istuu oranssilla nojatuolilla ja katsoo kameraan. Taustalla näkyy tuoleja ja ikkunaa.

‘If you study data science, you won’t limit your choice of career in the future’

Before starting her Data Science studies at Aalto, Angeline Jayanegara obtained a diploma in fashion design. In the future, she would like to work as a Data Scientist in the fashion industry.

Aalto University / Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology students

Students from around the world joined the Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology – meet Dylan, Anna and Ishaan

In September 2018, we received 39 new students in the Data Science and Digital Systems and Design majors that are part of the Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology taught in English. About one third of the new students in this programme are from Finland, while the rest are from countries like Vietnam, South Korea, India, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Russia, Italy and the USA.


Five data science students share stories of studies, events, and their expectations

Data Guild is an association of the data science students at Aalto University. It is a relatively new association - it was established only three years ago. Five members of the culture committee of the guild - Ilia Zalesskii, Aaron Wallasvaara, Christian Guidikov, Pranava Varshan and Rainer Ruuskanen – share why they chose to study data science and how they find the student life.

Vietnamista kotoisin oleva opiskelija on pukeutunut mustiin vaatteisiin ja nojaa kaiteeseen Tietotekniikan talolla. Taustalla näkyy valoa ja Aalto-yliopiston logo.

‘The atmosphere at Aalto is comfortable and you can do things at your own pace’

Thong Tran, the first graduate with a major in Data Science, shares his experiences on studying at Aalto University

Linh Nguyen sitting in a room full of Fatboy beanbags

‘Aalto is a safe place for building your skills and confidence’

Linh Nguyen wanted to obtain a degree with good job prospects and that is why she decided to study Data Science at Aalto University

Aalto University / students in a class room / photography Aino Huovio

Data Science alumni

See stories and career paths of alumni who have studied Data Science at Aalto.

Study at Aalto
Three happy students in overalls in the Aalto University metro entrance

Study at Aalto

Do you want to study in the Nordics in Finland? At Aalto University science and art meet technology and business. We believe in the power of curiosity and encourage our students to explore the unknown as well as to learn and do things in a whole new way.

Contact information

Learning Services of Aalto University School of Science

For enquiries regarding the studies in the programme, please contact Learning Services of Aalto University School of Science

Admission Services

For enquiries regarding the application process, please contact Admission Services

[email protected]

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