
Translations: all language versions in one place

Instructions on how to translate your content.

How to add a translation for your page?

  • Open the page that you want to translate.
  • Click "Translate" tab above your page.
  • Pick the language version, that you want to create and click "Add".
  • Don't touch metadata fields.
  • Go through all the content and replace the texts with the right language versions.
  • Notice that if you want to hide some of the components from this language version, you can take the mark away from the component you want to hide, just unmark "Show this component in this language" box and it will not be showed on the page.
  • If you need to add component(s) for this language version, go back to the original language version, add the component(s) and it/they will be automatically added to this language version. (Remember to hide the component from the original language version if you don't need it there.)
  • If you want to add links to the pages that begin with "", use instead of the full URL ( this form: /en/services/translations-all-language-versions-in-one-place (without the beginning of the URL).
  • The components (from up to down) describe the order of the content components. You can drag and drop – reorganise the order of the different components – by using the arrow "+" mark in the beginning of the component. Note that this can only be done in the original language version of your page, and not in the translation(s), but it will chage the order of the components also in the translation(s).
  • Finally remember to scroll down and click "Save (this translation)".

How to promote events in other than the main event language(s)?

If your event is, for example, in English only, but you wish to promote it on the Finnish or Swedish too, here's how to do that.

  1. Translate the title, if possible. With some events the title might not be possible to be translated, e.g. dissertations.
    1. You also need to translate the summary and the lead text. You can use the same text for both.
  2. Add a Text paragraph component to tell a little more about the event.
  3. Finally, guide the reader via a link to more information on the actual event page, which is in the actual event language. For instance like this (in Finnish or Swedish, as relevant): For more information, please visit the event page. (in English)

Need more Drupal instructions?

To find instructions for events, articles and other page types, click the link below. To learn how to create links, such as the highlighted link below, read more on the "Links: How to create and highlight?" service article.

All Drupal instructions in the Services hub

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Drupal image for Comms use only. Light seepia. Abstract image.

Links: How to create and highlight?

When creating content at or anywhere else online, it’s often useful to link to other webpages. However, there are a few things to consider when adding links at

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