
Links: How to create and highlight?

When creating content at or anywhere else online, it’s often useful to link to other webpages. However, there are a few things to consider when adding links at

Adding a new link

You can create links to both internal pages (content within and to external websites. Follow these instructions to create functioning links.

Screen capture of the Text paragraph component with the link button highlighted in yellow.
  • Navigate to your text component in Drupal.
  • Highlight the text that you want to add a link to.
  • Click on the link icon (see image on the right) and will open a new window where you can enter your link address as described below.
  • If you're adding a link to a page within, do NOT tick the box “Open in new window/tab”. If your link leads to an external site, you may tick the box. For more information, see the WCAG guidelines on opening links in new windows/tabs.
  • Save and check that the link works correctly on the page by clicking on it.

For external links, always type the full URL address, e.g., not just A trick is to go to the actual page with your browser and copy the URL directly from the address bar, as shown below.

For internal links on, you can use the node number, such as /node/14651/. You can see the node number by clicking “Edit” on the page you want to link to; the node number will then appear on the address bar. For internal links, leave out and start the link with the language abbreviation, i.e., /en/services, or /en/node/12345.

Also, remember to link to the language version that corresponds to the language of your page.

Screen capture highlighting the URL address with the node number.
You can see the node number in the URL address bar when in Drupal edit view.

Highlighting links 

On a page, the reader is often provided with links to further information. These kinds of links can be made more visible by using Link highlight formatting, which places an arrow in front of the link text (see image below). Note that this type of link formatting cannot be used within a paragraph of text, as Link highlight formatting always displays the linked text in its own row.

Screen capture of the Text paragraph component with Link highlight formatting highlighted.

Adding a Link highlight:

  1. Select the linked text
  2. Click on "Styles" and select "Link highlight"

Links formatted with Link highlight look like this:

General writing guidelines for articles in English

Need more Drupal instructions?

Below you can find instructions on creating links using e.g., liftup components. You can also learn how to find broken links on your pages using the Siteimprove tool.

Siteimprove helps you polish the content

The tool automatically scans your pages, and seeks for improvements, such as broken links and misspellings, which you can then correct. Read on!

Photo: Unto Rautio

Tips on using links, liftups and attachments

We explore three different ways of directing users to other pages or files.

Drupal: website

Liftups visualise content

Here, you will find a short description of and a link to the different liftup components available to you at With them, you can visualise and highlight the versatile content on the site.

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Communications Services

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