
Electronic document and records management system SAHA

Aalto University's electronic document and records management system processes official matters of the University as well as measures and documents generated in the handling process. At the same time, the matters are also entered into the University's records. In the electronic issue-based handling process all key measures bring an entry into the handling process and at the same time the documents that emerge from the various actors are linked with the context.
SAHA image

Lisätietoa Aalto-yliopiston tiedonohjaussuunnitelma TOS:sta ja kirjaamotoiminnasta

Tiedonohjaussuunnitelma TOS:n sivulta näet Aalto-yliopiston tiedonohjaussuunnitelman asiaryhmien mukaisen jaottelun, jonka perusteella voit arvioida mihin ryhmään tarvitsemasi asiakirja tai tieto kuuluu. Aalto-yliopiston asiakirjoja voi pyytää nähtäväksi kirjaamopalveluiden kautta [email protected].

Otaniemi kampus ilmakuva

Records Management Plan TOS

Aalto University Records Management Plan (tiedonohjaussuunnitelma) TOS is a set of guidelines for registration, handling, and retention of Aalto University's documents and comparable data. The Records Management Plan contains detailed information on handling, registration, publicity and retention of University's documents and data.

Otaniemi campus aerial image


The Registry services are responsible for registering university's official documents to the Records Management System SAHA and information services related to official documents.

This service is provided by:

Records Management Services

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