
Editing programme pages

On this instruction we describe how you can create and edit the content type programme. This content type is restricted only for Learning services.

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Editing your programme page

Find the right programme by clicking the "Content" button in the top left corner. Here you can find content based on e.g. the title (the name of your programme) or content type (programme). Once you have found your programme, click the "Edit" button on the right, in the same row as the name of your programme. You can also just click the name of your programme and click "Edit" there.

Instructions on the usage of components

"Reusable content"  component is the so-called "bank text". See the instructions below.

Components: how to create content for

Get to know the components for creating versatility and visuality when delivering your content.

How to use and create reusable content

Here we describe how to create content using the content type Reusable content and how to add that to your page as a component. The use of this content type is restricted only to specific editors in the learning services.

Publish and translate your programme

Click "Save" (the blue button at the bottom). This will save your programme as unpublished. Unpublished content is not visible to users of the site.

If you want to publish your programme, tick the "Publish" box at the bottom (in edit view) and then click "Save". This action will publish all content you've created here, i.e. the programme main page and all tabs and subpages (even those not included in the programme's navigation).

To translate your programme, click the "Translate" tab at the top of the page; the tab is visibly only on the main page. When you add a translation (e.g. English and "Add"), will also add translations of all tabs and subpages that belong to your programme so make sure to edit them as well (i.e. /en/ version of content you've created, this action will not automatically translate a language into another language, you need to translate all texts).

Screenshot of editing a tab for the programme content type.

Editing tabs

Click “Edit” on any page included in your programme. This will always open the edit view starting on the beginning of the main page.

Once you find the tab you need to edit, click "Edit" on it. Make the edits, and click "Update", e.g. ”Update During your studies tab”. This will collapse the edit view for that tab.

Click "Save" at the bottom of the page to save your edits.

Adding subpages not visible in the programme’s navigation

If you need to add information that only applies to your programme and cannot fit into any of the existing tabs, add another tab to the section (i.e. "Curricula", "During your studies") and select “Do not show this on the tabs” while editing the new tab. Pages with this selection will not appear in the programme’s navigation. You can lift them up just like any content using liftup components. You can use liftup components (Single or Manual liftup) for this. If you need to add another page for previous curricula as a hidden tab, don't select anything in the Curriculum period drop-down.

You can then make a link to these hidden tabs by creating a lift up to a suitable page. Add the component to a suitable page, click ”Select content” and find the content you want to lift up. You can filter the content listed here by selecting the content type "Programme subpage".

The hidden tabs enable the URL addresses for your programme’s content to remain unified, and the programme navigation will be visible on these pages, even though the hidden tabs aren’t visible in the navigation.

Tabs and subpages don’t have a main image, so when you lift them up, you need to take that into consideration and use the most suitable display mode (e.g. Single liftup in small does not show the main image).

Creating a new programme page

If your programme doesn't have a page yet


This service is provided by:

Communications Services

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