
Development processes of our academic career systems

This page describes the basic principles for developing the Aalto academic career systems. The site is aimed at all the Aalto community members who are interested on how the quality of the academic career systems is monitored and how the processes are being developed.
Ihmisiä oppimiskeskuksessa/people in at the learning center

Development of the Aalto academic career systems is part of the Aalto University quality system.

Annual clock for academic career systems development

The annual clock for academic career systems development is linked to the  Aalto University annual clock. The development work is based on annual reviews and the view of Management on the required development measures. The view of the Academic Careers Working Group has an important role in the making of decisions on development actions.

Development of the academic career systems is prepared and implemented by the Provost and the Chief Human Resources Officer. The President of the University decides on the development measures to be taken. When implementing development measures, the various parties are consulted and feedback is actively collected. The deans make decisions on matters that are specific to the individual schools.

At work

Tenure track

Aalto University’s tenure track career system offers a well-supported and clear career path for professor-level academics towards a permanent professorship.

An Aalto pen lying on the page of a study book, students working in the background / photo by Aalto University, Aino Huovio

Academic careers working group

This page contains information on Academic careers working group, its purpose, members and contact information.

Tenure track
People biking in front of Väre and ABloc

Human Resource (HR) services contact details

Contact details to Human Resources (HR) services for Joint University services as well as for HR units at Schools and Departments.

This service is provided by:

HR Services

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