School of Business

Departments and research

We advance the global body of knowledge in business studies and economics by conducting high-quality research on important business and societal challenges. On this page, you can find the list of our latest FT publications, the links to our department pages, a few Tenured Professors' Installation Talk videos, and our latest research news
Illustrative picture: woman and a laptop
Photo: Aalto University / Kalle Kataila

Impactful research

In addition to doing high-quality research, our faculty members play key roles in societal debates and policy-making, contribute to executive education in Finland and abroad, and are responsible for teaching in our portfolio of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs. 

To learn more about the impact we make, get to know our latest research outputs on and six departments and a centre (pls. scroll down the page to find the links to the department web pages).

Delve into our research – find the people behind it!

During past years, many articles by the School of Business affiliated authors have appeared in FT50 journals. Take a look at the attachments. Source: ACRIS. For further information, please contact: [email protected]

Departments and a centre

Department of Accounting & Business Law

The Department of Accounting is one of the leading research faculties in the Nordic region.

BIZ Main Building by Mika Huisman

Department of Economics

The Department of Economics provides a comprehensive insight into the functioning of economies and the environment in which companies operate.

Outside picture of the School of Business building in Otaniemi. Three Aalto Flags swinging in front of the building.

Department of Finance

The Department of Finance at Aalto University School of Business is one of the leading finance departments in Europe.

Architectural picture of the inside of the School of Business. Many people sitting on different coloured chairs.

Department of Information and Service Management

The Department of Information and Service Management refers to the creative use of information and digital technology in business and the move from industrial to service dominant forms of production.

Two business students, one is holding a laptop, discussing with the Professor after his lecture. Another group of students talk in the background.

Department of Management Studies

The Department of Management Studies offers a dynamic environment for scholarship and learning.

Stack of management books.

Department of Marketing

The Department of Marketing is a thriving and dynamic community of faculty, researchers, staff, and students. The department has earned international acclaim for its ambitious and rigorous research output. We are at the bleeding edge of marketing.

marketing major

Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR)

CKIR’s main research focus is on innovation ecosystems, ICT enabled service platforms and thus enabled new business dynamics.

Picture of the School of Business

Better Business — Better Society Seminar Series

The Seminar Series discusses the current and societally important topics at the School of Business. The seminars will be arranged monthly, generally on the first Thursday of the month, excluding holiday seasons.

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Kuva seminaarisarjasta, jossa ilmiset verkostoituvat esityksen jälkeen

Tenured Professors' Installation Talks

In the short videos, the new professors of the School of Business enlighten us with personal insights and tell why they are passionate about their field

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Tenured Professors' Installation Talks, 30.1.2023 mosaic image of the professors

Our latest research news

Suvi Hirvonen-Ere
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Public defence: Why has the sustainability break-through been lagging, and how could it be accelerated, and gain profitable business growth?

Suvi Hirvonen-Ere proposes that commercial and contract management will be utilized to accelerate both sustainability targets and economically profitable business growth in the corporate world
Assistant Professor Daniel Hauser
Research & Art Published:

‘Developing tools and techniques for incorporating and studying information processing biases into economic models is what I work on’

Assistant Professor Daniel Hauser receives a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
Jyrki Wallenius giving his presentation
Research & Art Published:

Seminar on Decision Analytics honored the scientific research of Pekka Korhonen

The seminar gathered top international scholars of the field at Aalto University School of Business
Ewald Kibler and Anastasia Koptsyukh in the middle
Awards and Recognition Published:

Anastasia Koptsyukh and Ewald Kibler have been awarded Best Paper Award 2023 BCERC

They have been awarded the Best Paper in Social Entrepreneurship by the MEANS Center for Entrepreneurship Studies of Illinois State University and Babson College
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