
New strategy for the School of Business

New vision and mission statements and the four strategic initiatives will guide the School’s activities throughout 2021–2024.
Entrance, Ekonominaukio 1, photo by Unto Rautio

The School of Business has a new strategy for the years 2021–2024. The new strategy builds on the Aalto strategy and complements it from the point of view of business and economics.

The School of Business is doing great with rising numbers of talented student applicants and excellent university rankings. For example, the School placed number 24 in the 2020 Shanghai ranking in Business Administration. However, a leading business school cannot rest on one’s laurels.

‘We want to look forward, so we have rewritten our mission and vision statements. We also have four completely new key strategic initiatives for the next four years in areas where we especially want to develop,’ Dean Timo Korkeamäki says.

‘Our new vision is to attract and cultivate global leaders in business research, education, and practice, and we plan to achieve this by fulfilling our new mission: We strive for better business and better society. We excel in education and research with a multidisciplinary approach and in collaboration with our partners.’

The four new strategic initiatives are:

  • Educational renewal with life-wide learning
  • Cutting-edge research and infrastructure
  • Community wellbeing
  • Sustainability

Timo Korkeamäki encourages the whole School of Business community to use the new strategy as a guideline for the next four years.

‘This strategy is built for use, and we look at it as a guideline for what we do. We have already started implementing it together and will continue doing so throughout the next four years,’ he says.

Community effort

The new strategy was built as a community effort. Faculty and staff, as well as representatives of the student union KY, alumni and partners, joined the workshops and meetings organized in 2020, in which it was created and polished.

‘We worked on our strategy together. The four strategic key initiatives emerged from these discussions, reflecting on what we need to develop in our key tasks of education and research. And while doing so, it is our key priority to take care of the community wellbeing and sustainability,’ the School’s Head of Development Perttu Kähäri explains.

Read more about the key strategic initiatives

The picture shows Associate Dean of teaching and education Tomas Falk. Photo: Aalto University.

Educational renewal with lifewide learning is one of the four key strategic initiatives at School of Business

Multidisciplinary degree programs, digital education, Sustainable Development Goals, and holistic wellbeing are in focus when the School’s educational offering is developed further.

The photo shows Associate Dean of research and international cooperation Virpi Tuunainen, and the photo was taken by Mortti Saarnia.

Cutting-edge research and infrastructure is one of the four School of Business key strategic initiatives

The aim is to help researchers to succeed in their research even better.

Kuvassa näkyvät professori Rebecca Piekkari ja HR-päällikkö Eliisa Lassila. Kuvan otti Roope Kiviranta Aalto-yliopistosta.

Community wellbeing is one of the four School of Business key strategic initiatives

The first actions aim at enhancing the wellbeing of students, faculty, and staff during the pandemic.

Professor Minna Halme. Photographer: Veera Konsti.

Sustainability is one of the four School of Business key strategic initiatives

Professor Minna Halme: Business schools play a key role in solving sustainability challenges.

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