
Mechatronic Circus & Demo Day 2023

The sure sign of spring, the Mechatronic Circus, is here again. On Thursday 13.4.2023. you can learn about smart devices built by students and take part in the Demo Day where researchers will present the latest research data on topics such as digital twins, machine vision and rotating machines.
Mechatronic Circus
Mechatronic Circus & Demo Day gathers together industrial experts, researchers and students.

The program is split to two tracks:

Demo Day 8.30–15.00

  • 8.30–9.00 Coffee 
  • 9.00–12.00 Presentations
  • 11.00–14.00 Pea soup and donuts from field kitchen
  • 12.15–15.00 Demo stands

Demo Day consists of presentations and demo stands by Aalto University's and company representatives. Please register to the event using this link to get breakfast. 

Mechatronic Circus 10.00–15.00

Students present smart mechatronic devices built on mechatronics course.
Venue: Mechanical Engineering building K3

  • 10.00–15.00 Mechatronics project courses students present their achievements
  • 11.00–14.00 Pea soup and donuts are available from from field kitchen
  • 11.00, 12.00, and 13.00 Circus show

Both events are open for all.
Warmly welcome!

Demo Day presentations 9.00–12.00, Location: K3 
Title Person Time
Opening words + introduction to Demo Day   9.00
Nanothrust, GOOD, Power Beyond, Center of Excellence projects Petri Kuosmanen and Raine Viitala, Aalto 9:10
Machinaide project summary Pauli Salminen, Aalto 9:35
Remion Regatta fleet management for Gateways and control systems Miika Okko, Remion 9:55
☕ Coffee break ☕ -- 10:15
Filtering snowfall from autonomous car LiDAR data Alvari Seppänen, Aalto 10:30
Eddy current sensors (Met4Wind project) Kalle Kinnunen, Aalto 10:50
Extracting periodic patterns in steel (AI-Rot) Sampo Haikonen, Aalto 11:10
Twinbase -research to business Juuso Autiosalo, Aalto 11.30
Closing words + introduction to demos    

                                                                          Demonstrations 10:00-15:00

Title Person Location
Lip seals for maritime industry Omar Morad, Aalto ARotor
Adjustable coupling + electric runout Kalle Kinnunen, Aalto ARotor
Adjustable foundation stiffness Sampo Laine, Aalto ARotor
Robust aerostatic bearing for large rotors Jaakko Majuri, Aalto ARotor
Gear failure dataset Zacharias Dahl & Samuel Lillqvist ARotor
Few-shot learning for condition monitoring Aleksanteri Hämäläinen, Aalto ARotor
Torque estimation with convex optimization Urho Hakonen, Aalto ARotor
Smart factory control using digital twins Joel Mattila, Aalto K3
Electro-hydraulic actuator test rig Arttu Korhonen & Olof Calonius Fluid power
Cylinder rod seal test rig Kivi Knuuti Fluid power
Virtual mining machine - Dolores test rig Topias Tyni Fluid power
Mining machine bucket hydraulics simulation Juho Lehto Fluid power
Hydraulic vibration control Olli-Eemeli Sirviö Fluid power
Compressed CO2 energy storage Riku Hörkkö Fluid power
Mechanic energy from waste heat Sanyog Lamsal Fluid power
Demo Day stands 12.15-15.00 Location: K3
Title Person Time Location
Ideal GRP   12:15-15:00 K3
Smart Crane AR/VR   12:!5-15:00 K3
TwinBase   12:15-15:00 K3
Autonomous vehicle demo   12:15-15:00 K3 vehicle lab

We also welcome demo stands from guests!

Presentation slides

Slides from the Demo Day presentations 

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