Beyond e-Textiles: fifth iterative workshop
The fifth biannual workshop of the 'Beyond e-Textiles' project was organized on June 7-9, 2023 at Aalto University. The workshop agenda was as follows:
The fifth biannual workshop finalized the fourth iteration period of the project. The event explored the theme of Nordic Added Value touching upon such aspects as open space and resilience, Nordic collaboration, safe and collaborative environment, common language and communication.
Participating institutions:
-Aalto University (Aalto)
-University of Turku (UTU)
-VIA University College (VIA)
-University of Borås (UB)
-Iceland University of the Arts (IUA)
The programme started with an introductory meeting followed by Aalto LABs sessions where participants were demonstrated various research processes and equipment, for example, photo lab and laser work, electrospinning, creating lupine yarns. The second half of the day included a public lecture where all project teams presented their research work within the project. After the public event, guests were invited to the opening of ENTANGLED exhibition showcasing the samples developed by the project teams so far.
Day 2 was mainly devoted to the workshops hosted by project teams from the University of Borås and VIA University College. The UB workshop facilitated by Riikka Talman focused on a framework developed by their team - 'Responsive textiles as containers of time: methods of designing material systems using natural phenomena as catalysts for change'. For the VIA workshop, Tina Cecilie Bull Nielsen and Amalie Ege presented a 'Dialog Tool' and proposed a discussion about developing a language around textiles. The second day was concluded with the Steering Board meeting for the team leaders, while other participants attended the scenario building session facilitated by Malene Harsaae (VIA). In the evening, the guests were offered a nice walk in the heart of Helsinki downtown.
On the third day, we started with a sum-up session discussing next steps and future directions of the project. After that, Kati Miettunen and Alicja Lawrynowicz from the University of Turku team held a workshop about the sustainability of smart textiles. Later on, our project team had a meeting with the Fashion/Textile Futures research group from Aalto University's Department of Design. Moreover, the workshop participants had an opportunity to have a short tour around the facilities of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
This event was (partly) supported by NordForsk through the funding to Nordic network on smart light-conversion textiles beyond electric circuits, project number 103894.
Workshop gallery
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
*Photos: Aalto University / Giulnara Launonen & Bach Nguyen
Workshop outcomes
- The fourth round of experimental iterations was finalized, and directions for the next iteration period were defined.
- The programme included a series of thematic workshops designed and hosted by project teams.
- The project was introduced to the audience at Aalto University during the public lecture where each project team presented their research work within the project.
- The first prototype exhibition was organized at the School of Chemical Engineering (Aalto University) displaying samples developed by the project cooperating partners.
- Discussions about speculative scenarios continued during the biannual workshop in question and especially at the scenario building session.
Related content:
Beyond e-Textiles: public lecture (June 7, 2023)
The 5th iterative workshop of the 'Beyond e-Textiles' project
Beyond e-Textiles: ENTANGLED
Prototype exhibition of the 'Beyond e-Textiles' project
Beyond e-Textiles project
Nordic network on smart light-conversion textiles beyond electric circuits
Multifunctional Materials Design
Group led by Professor Jaana Vapaavuori
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