
Beyond e-Textiles: ENTANGLED

Prototype exhibition of the 'Beyond e-Textiles' project (Aalto University - VIA University College - University of Borås - University of Turku - Iceland University of the Arts)
Entangled exhibition, Beyond e-Textiles project.
Poster by Mithila Mohan, photo on the poster by Maija Vaara /Aalto University

NB! The exhibition has been prolonged for one week until June 22nd.

The first prototype exhibition of the 'Beyond e-Textiles' project (Nordic network on smart light-conversion textiles beyond electric circuits) will be held as part of the fifth biannual workshop of the research project. 

The exhibition will display samples developed so far by the project cooperating partners (Aalto University - VIA University College - University of Borås - University of Turku - Iceland University of the Arts) (please see more information below).

The opening of the exhibition will take place on June 7th as part of the 'Beyond e-Textiles' public lecture. Please note that photos and videos will be taken during the event. If you prefer not to appear on the images, please contact us at [email protected].

This event is (partly) supported by NordForsk through the funding to Nordic network on smart light-conversion textiles beyond electric circuits, project number 103894.

More about exhibition samples

VIA University College, campus Herning. Photo by Tom Laursen/Herning Folkeblad
Photo by Tom Laursen/Herning Folkeblad

VIA University College: Speculative textile prototyping towards the green transition

Changing aesthetics with natural dyes: We present a speculative future scenario of textile experiments and prototyping where clothing changes aesthetics through interventions over time. We suggest ways in which the user can influence the aesthetics of their clothes by re-dyeing and printing with food waste.

Speculative textiles for sustainability: We investigate and explore new directions and alternatives to textiles through textile experimentation and prototyping. Firstly, we exhibit knitted examples substituting polyester with PLA. Secondly, we demonstrate stretchability in textiles without using elastane.

University of Borås, Textile Fashion Center. Photo by Aalto University, Giulnara Launonen

University of Borås: Responsive textiles as containers of time: co-designing material systems with natural phenomena as catalysts for change

Description: This research takes a bottom-up approach by discussing the role of material aesthetics in relation to sustainability in the context of smart and responsive textiles. The experiments presented in this exhibition explore methods for designing the expressions of textile materials to vary over their lifespans through changes in colour and light emission in structural textiles triggered by natural phenomena, and so incorporating ambient energies into the design process. The research presents the development of a framework that can be used to distinguish and characterize the temporal aspects of responsive textiles as a method to expand their lifespan through design and use.

Turku University campus
Photo credit: Hanna Oksanen/University of Turku Communications []

University of Turku: Beyond Stains: Self-Cleaning Cotton

Step into the world of self-cleaning fabrics at our exhibition "Beyond Stains: Self-Cleaning Cotton". Explore captivating photos that show how our photo-responsive coating protects cotton without changing its primary look. Learn about our research conducted at UTU on the effective self-cleaning process, offering a glimpse of a future where cotton stays clean effortlessly. Interested? Join the exhibition to learn more! 

Aalto University campus, CHEM building. Photo by Aalto University, Giulnara Launonen

Aalto University: Multiple functionalities in one entity: Conceptualizing textiles as active elements around us

The exhibition combines explorations from different aspects of active textiles – textiles that react to environmental stimuli, such as changes in temperature or humidity around us. These constructs are approached from different levels of study – from finding new material sources for making yarns, for exploring different textile crafting methods for producing diverse textile architectures, as well as moving towards shape-morphing 3D textiles, where exposure and disappearance of different functionalities as a function of changing textile shape can occur. By working parallel at these different levels opens up a way towards new textiles concepts.

Iceland University of the Arts campus
Photo credit: []

Iceland University of the Arts: Another View

The project team from Iceland University of the Arts will present a video 'Another View' on non-standard documentation of landscapes which could be applied to making videos in Iceland.

More about 'Beyond e-Textiles' project:

Beyond e-Textiles webpage, main image. Image by Aalto University, Giulnara Launonen, Maija Vaara, Mithila Mohan

Beyond e-Textiles project

Nordic network on smart light-conversion textiles beyond electric circuits

Department of Chemistry and Materials Science

Related content:

Beyond e-Textiles: public lecture (June 7, 2023)

The 5th iterative workshop of the 'Beyond e-Textiles' project

Beyond e-Textiles, Public lecture (June 7, 2023)

Multifunctional Materials Design

Group led by Professor Jaana Vapaavuori

MMD webpage main image. GIF image by Aalto University, Giulnara Launonen
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