Collaborative and Industrial Design


Collaborative and Industrial Design's major compulsory and major elective courses. In addition to the major compulsory studies the students choose their track from three options:
Option 1: Service design / Social Design
Option 2: Product design and development
Option 3: Interaction design

Students can also take courses from other study paths to complement their expertise.

Major compulsory studies

User Inspired Design - Knowing

The course is an introduction to the collaborative design competence area. The course gives an introduction to the vocabulary, background and methodology of usability, design ethnography, user experience, co-design, interaction design, service design, accessibility and socially responsible design.

IDBM students gathered around a table and drawing

User Inspired Design - Making

The course addresses visual and narrative approaches to human-centred design to illustrate users, use, concepts and contexts for reflective design, collaboration, evaluation and persuasion purposes. The course gives students skills in illustrating and explicating different aspects of products and the use of products and services by visual and narrative means. The students learn to choose, compose and apply design artefacts for different communication purposes that are necessary for designing material and immaterial concepts and solutions for socio-technical systems. They learn how to create design artefacts that invite contributions and create stakeholders' commitment, material for iterating and annotating the progress of design, to adjust the angle of scrutiny by choosing appropriate representations, to clarify complex relationships and isolate critical issues, to convince their audiences and to justify their solutions, and to contextualize design concepts. They learn how to use visual media to support oral communication and how to create self-standing presentations with media such as drawings, photos, videos, interactive demonstrations, physical props or mock-ups.

Picture: Industryhack

Interaction Design - User Interfaces

This course teaches the basics of user interface design.

Curatorial and communications support as well as exhibition resources are available for selected projects.

Option 1: Service design / Social Design

Design for Government

Design for Government (DfG) is a practice-based course within the Aalto University’s multi-school Creative Sustainability master’s program available for Collaborative and Industrial Design MA students on the service design track

Illustration of a citizen participating in the policy-making process

Designing for Services

Designing for services course addresses application of design competence and engagement in the emerging topics of service design.

Students studying in Learning Centre.

Design for Social Change - Participation

Designing for Social Change (DSC) courses provide students basic understanding and competences to build design projects aimed towards social change.

Strategid Co-Design -kurssin opiskelijat tekivät ratkaisuehdotuksia Helsingin kaupungin muotoilutoiminnan vaikuttavuuden arvioimiseksi.

Design for Social Change - Strategy

Designing for Social Change (DSC) courses provide students basic understanding and competences to build design projects aimed towards social change.

People in Learningcenter

Research and Inspire

Research and Inspire is an MA level course by Collaborative and Industrial Design programme.

In the course students are guided through the process by which they learn to dive deep in analysing an issue or phenomenon they are interested in, contextualise their interest with relevant past and present cultural and societal changes, and develop insights that communicate the core and context of their interest.

Unite! summer school students will design an extra-terrestrial greenhouse for Mars

Option 2: Product design and development

Emerging Designs

The course will enhance students' design understanding and skills through lectures and projects, emphasizing creativity and practical application with input from industry professionals.

ED-course I&II, AMRI-project, 2023-2024

Product Development Project

Product Development Project (PdP) is a five-period-long course that invites Master’s students from all backgrounds, but mainly engineering, industrial design, and business, to tackle challenges of collaborating companies. The teams form in September and deliver a functioning prototype in the final Gala in May.

Audience looking at an art piece.

Programming for Designers

This course is an introduction into programming for designers without requirements for prior programming experience. Its special emphasis is on designing and realizing visions of graphics and interactions in digital products.

Pattern, computer science, robots and other artificial intelligence things, illustration Matti Ahlgren

Emerging Designs II

During the course, students will apply design to build knowledge of the conceptual propositions, by performing a validation of the concept or a key feature of it.

design scenario showing heart beats and instruction

Option 3: Interaction design

Human computer interaction illustration Matti Ahlgren Aalto University

Emergent User interfaces

The course gives an overview of new and emerging UI paradigms that go beyond traditional WIMP interfaces. These include tangible interaction, multimodal interaction (audio, haptic, smell and taste) and the various sensors and sensing techniques and technologies used to implement them.

Collaborative and Industrial Design
ED-course I&II, AMRI-project, 2023-2024

Emerging Designs

The course will enhance students' design understanding and skills through lectures and projects, emphasizing creativity and practical application with input from industry professionals.

Collaborative and Industrial Design
People in Learningcenter

Design for Social Change - Strategy

Designing for Social Change (DSC) courses provide students basic understanding and competences to build design projects aimed towards social change.

Collaborative and Industrial Design
Strategid Co-Design -kurssin opiskelijat tekivät ratkaisuehdotuksia Helsingin kaupungin muotoilutoiminnan vaikuttavuuden arvioimiseksi.

Design for Social Change - Participation

Designing for Social Change (DSC) courses provide students basic understanding and competences to build design projects aimed towards social change.

Collaborative and Industrial Design
Pattern, computer science, robots and other artificial intelligence things, illustration Matti Ahlgren

Programming for Designers

This course is an introduction into programming for designers without requirements for prior programming experience. Its special emphasis is on designing and realizing visions of graphics and interactions in digital products.

Collaborative and Industrial Design
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