Career Design Lab

CoDesigner Collaboration

The purpose of Career Design Lab is to facilitate sustainable careers by supporting our students and alumni in meaningful career design and lifewide learning. CoDesigners are organizations and individuals that support this purpose by sharing their expertise in the form of mentoring, coaching and envisioning the future of work. We are now looking for new CoDesigner collaborators for the year 2024!

CoDesigner Collaboration

Join our creative experiments

Career Design Lab is a space of radically creative experiments, learning and collaboration. We develop new services and solutions for supporting our students and alumni in career design and lifewide learning. Is your organization a creative and pioneering trailblazer with visions from the future of work? Join us at Career Design Lab in experimenting and co-creating sustainable working life and helping future talent find meaningful careers!

As a CoDesigner, you will: 

  • Coach and mentor Aalto students in designing meaningful careers and help them to create employer connections  
  • Share your expertise and experiences about different career paths, innovative work practices and visions from the future of work
  • Collaborate with our experts on radically creative service experiments  
  • Create engaging opportunities for lifewide learning for Aalto University students and alumni

CoDesigner collaboration benefits: 

  • Building your top talent pool and strengthening your brand as a visionary employer among Aalto University students and alumni
  • Profiling your organization as a proactive, progressive and creative player in building the future of work
  • Giving your employees a chance to become a lifewide learner by practicing new skills in mentoring and coaching
  • Access to the latest research insights and trends of working life
Focus areasd

Career Design Lab CoDesigner organizations commit to supporting the development of career skills and competences of Aalto University students (and alumni). This collaboration is free of charge but requires time and an innovative approach to working life topics.

Contact us!

Niina Malkamäki, [email protected], p. 050 479 7606

Career Design for Collaborators
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