Applications, instructions and guidelines

Annual enrolment

All degree students must enrol annually as either attending or non-attending students. You must enrol for each of your valid rights to study separately. Enrolment for the academic year is done in Oili-service. If you do not enrol for the academic year for a given right to study, you will lose that right to study.

For continuing students, the enrolment period for the 2024–2025 academic year is from 2 May to 30 August 2024. New students can enroll after they have accepted their study place until 30 August 2024. The enrolment period for spring term 2025 is from 25 November 2024 to 3 January 2025.

Please note: the transfer of enrolment information from one system to another takes 2-3 days. In other words, the information is transferred to services such as Studyinfo, HSL, FSHS and Frank with a delay.

Enrolment as an attending student

You must enrol each academic year as either an attending or non-attending student for each of your valid right to study separately. Only those enrolled as attending may pursue studies, get guidance and/or graduate.

For continuing students the enrolment period for 2024–2025 academic year is from 2 May to 30 August 2024. New master students can enrol after the student selection results have published. 

The enrolment period for spring term 2025 is from 25 November 2024 to 3 January 2025. 

Enrolment as a non-attending student

You must enrol as either an attending or non-attending student for the academic year for each of your valid rights to study separately. Only those enrolled as attending may complete studies, get guidance and advising and graduate. 

You should enrol as a non-attending student only if you do not plan to complete any studies during the time in question. Please note, however, that your right to study is valid for only a limited period of time. This means that you can only enrol as a non-attending student for a certain amount of terms without it having an effect on the time you have left to complete your degree. The maximum duration of studies is defined in different ways depending on the reason for absence. For details see Maximum duration of studies.

If you do not enrol as either attending or non-attending for each of your valid rights to study separately by the end of the enrolment period (no later than 30 August 2024, you will lose the right to study for which you have failed to enrol.

Changing your enrolment information during the academic year

The enrolment period for the 2024–2025 academic year is from 2 May 2024 to 30 August 2024. Enrolment as attending or as non-attending is made separately to each right to study for the entire academic year. There is, however, a separate enrolment period for spring term, during which time you can change your enrolment status for spring term 2025, if necessary.

The enrolment period for spring term 2025 is from 25 November 2024 to 3 January 2025.

Outside of enrolment periods, non-attending status may be changed to attending status, but attending may not be changed to non-attending status. Enrolling or making a change to your enrolment status outside of the enrolment periods can only be done at the student services (at [email protected]).

If you have a tuition fee liability and you wish to change your enrolment status during the academic year, you should always contact the student services (at [email protected]).

Permissible duration of studies

The right to study towards a bachelor’s and master’s degree is valid for only a definite period of time. This means that you can only enrol as a non-attending student for a certain amount of terms without it having an effect on the time you have left to complete your degree. The maximum duration of studies is defined in different ways depending on the reason for absence.

Losing your right to study for failing to enrol for the academic year

Enrolling as an attending or non-attending student for the academic year is compulsory for all degree students. If you have not enrolled as either attending or non-attending for each of your valid rights to study separately by the end of the enrolment period (no later than 30 August 2024), you will lose the right to study for which you have failed to enrol (Universities Act (558/2009), sections 39 and 43). Students who fail to enrol are not entitled to complete studies.
If you lose your right to study because you failed to enrol for the academic year, you can apply for readmission:

Application for readmission

Pay the student healthcare fee to Kela

All students who are entitled to the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) services must pay a healthcare fee to Kela every academic term. You are entitled to FSHS services for the terms in which you enrol as attending if you are studying towards a bachelor’s or a master’s degree.

NOTE!  It is not possible to get FSHS remote appointments while abroad, even if you have enroled as attending. This applies especially to outgoing exchange students, joint degree students and students doing traineeships abroad. This is due to Patient Insurance Act. 

If you are entitled to FSHS services, you must pay the student healthcare fee. You cannot get an exemption for example for using occupational health services instead of FSHS, or for not receiving any financial aid for students.

  • If you graduate with a master's degree on 31 December and will no longer be a bachelor’s or master’s degree student in the following spring term, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee for the spring term and you will not be eligible for FSHS services even if you had enrolled as an attending student for the whole academic year. 

You are not billed for the student healthcare fee. You must pay it in OmaKela for each academic term. How to pay the student healthcare fee.

The due date for paying the student healthcare fee is determined based on the date on which you enrol as attending:

Term Enrolment date Due date
Spring: normal, most common situation at Aalto (enrolment period ends at the beginning of January) 31 January or before 15 March
Spring: exceptional situation (e.g. re-enrolment or extension of right of study) 1 February or later 31 July
Autumn: normal, most common situation at Aalto (enrolment period ends at the beginning of September) 30 September or before 15 November
Autumn: exceptional situation (e.g. re-enrolment or extension of right of study) 1 October or later 31 December

If you have paid the fee in time but you still receive a reminder invoice, you must contact the Kela Overpayment Recovery Centre and prove to them that you indeed paid the fee in time. You can contact Kela by phone or you can send them an objection to the reminder fee by post and attach the receipt of the original payment. Unfortunately, the university cannot help you with this issue, since Kela follows its own legal guidelines in sending the reminders. 

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