
Nycklar till välbefinnande II: Mod och självmedkänsla

I studier upplevde studerande som utövade självmedkänsla mindre rädsla för misslyckande och var mer motiverade och självsäkra än studerande som inte utövade självmedkänsla. De vågade ta sig an fler utmaningar och risker. En ökad självmedkänsla har i forskning lett till mindre uppskjutande beteende vad gäller studieuppgifter och till färre negativa reaktioner i olika situationer.

Läs artikeln nedan som bakgrund. Prova på övningen för självmedkänsla nedan. Du kan fördjupa dig i ämnet på kursen Kraften av medkänsla i MyCourses. Se även Nyyti Ry:s tips för att reglera känslor.


Most people are familiar with the term compassion. It means kindness, warmth and understanding towards other people, when they are facing failures or hard times. Self-compassion is about directing the same understanding towards oneself. So, instead of strict self-criticism and harsh judgement, we offer ourselves kindness and support when we fail or face challenges. Self-compassion is expressed through kindness and appreciation towards ourselves, as well as taking care of ourselves without judgment.

American educational psychologist Kristin Neff has studied self-compassion extensively for the past twenty years and is known as a pioneer in the field of self-compassion. According to Neff, self-compassion manifests in difficult situations in three distinct ways. A self-compassionate person 1) recognizes their difficulties and is able to face their emotions, 2) is able to show kindness towards themselves, and 3) understands that difficulties are part of the shared human experience and does not attempt to isolate themselves when facing challenges.

Self-compassion often manifests as gentle and nurturing behaviour towards oneself. However, when necessary, it can also be more fierce and firm behavior, for example when it's necessary to defend oneself, set boundaries or motivate change. Self-compassion is not about elevating oneself above criticism or other people, but rather about reinforcing the idea that imperfection is normal.

According to studies, students who practiced self-compassion experienced less fear of failure and were more motivated and self-confident than their non-self-compassionate peers. They dared to take on more challenges and risks. Studies have found that with increased self-compassion there is less procrastination, i.e., with study assignments, as well as less negative reactions to various situations.


  1. Read the background article Fierce Self-compassion in Action.
  2. Listen and do the audio exercise How to deal with difficult emotions.
  3. Check out the page Interaction through teaching - What is compassion pedagogy?
  4. Watch the Compassion short film series and reflect.

Är du din egen vän eller ständiga kritiker? Varför lönar sig själmedkänsla?

Självkritik orsakar ångest, förlorad motivation, ofullständiga prestationer och arbetsuppgifter. Självmedkänsla hjälper, och det kan läras ut.

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