Talent Expo

CV & LinkedIn -clinic, Speed mentoring and Portfolio Review

The additional program at Talent Expo enables different ways of connecting for students, alumni and employers.
Woman and man talking over computer
Photographer: Rasmus Karppinen

CV&LinkedIn clinic

At the CV & LinkedIn -clinic, a recruitment specialist will provide advice for students related to their CV, cover letter or LinkedIn -profile. During the two hour session, your company representative will meet up to four students (25 minutes/per student). The event is open for all Aalto University students and meetings are arranged in Teams. The clinic is offered both in Finnish and English.

For employers

The very popular CV & LinkedIn -clinic and portfolio review are an excellent chance to enhance your employer image and meet Aalto students via video. The participating students might not be looking for work from organizations holding the sessions. Nevertheless, the clinic, provides an excellent opportunity to meet students and boost your employer brand among them.

Participating the CV&LinkedIn clinic is free of charge for exhibitors.

For students

Need help with your CV or LinkedIn profile? CV and LinkedIn clinic is an excellent opportunity to receive tips for resume, application letter and LinkedIn-profile straight from the HR professionals attending the fair and prepare for applying for the interesting companies. 

Exact timetables and registration instructions can be found on JobTeaser.

Portfolio Review

At a portfolio review, representatives from exhibitor organization assess and give advice on students' portfolios and help make them more suitable for job hunting. Students joining the reviews can come from different backgrounds - information regarding the representative holding the reviews will help guide students to relevant meetings. During the two hour review, your company representative will meet up to four students (25 minutes/per student). Portfolio reviews should be offered in both Finnish and English. 

For Employers

The very popular CV & LinkedIn -clinic and portfolio review are an excellent chance to enhance your employer image and meet Aalto students via video. The participating students might not be looking for work from organizations holding the sessions. Nevertheless, the clinics provide an excellent opportunity to meet students and boost your employer brand among them.

Participating the Portfolio Review is free of charge for exhibitors.

For students

Do you wish to get comments on your Portfolio? Portfolio Review is an excellent opportunity to receive tips for resume, application letter and LinkedIn-profile straight from the HR professionals attending the fair and prepare for the application rounds of interesting companies. 

Exact timetables and registration instructions can be found on JobTeaser.

Speed mentoring

During speed mentoring, students can discuss issues related to career paths, working life and studies with an Aalto alumni from your organization. The alumni can share their career story or tell about their current position and student can ask for tips for entering the work life or study planning. Speed mentoring is for all Aalto University students. During the two hour session, your company representative will meet up to four students (25 minutes/per student). Speed mentoring is offered both in Finnish and English.

For Employers

Speed mentoring is not a recruitment event, but it is naturally a valuable opportunity to build your Employer Brand. The representative attending Speed Mentoring must be an alumni from Aalto University.

For students

Would you like to ask about life after graduation? Are you interested about what an analyst, graphic designer or project manager actually does? Would you like to ask what to take into consideration in studies with regards to work life? Speed mentoring is a great opportunity to get to know Aalto alumni's career paths and ask about the things that you wonder about work life and careers.

I found the discussion interesting and rewarding, and meeting the company representative was nice!

Student feedback from a CV & LinkedIn -clinic at Aalto Talent Expo Online

Further information

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