
Updating Aalto profiles (Workday, ACRIS and

Aalto People Hub is a directory on the website that contains information on Aalto University staff. The directory is based on data from the HR system Workday and ACRIS. To update your profile and personal information in Workday, ACRIS and, follow the instructions below.

Profile data workflow
Data workflow between different Aalto systems.

1. Update personal information in Workday

  1. Log in to Workday ( -> Tools) and select Personal Information -> About me.
  2. Ensure all information is up-to-date, such as phone number, name, and email. Change your organizational address in to integrate it with ACRIS.
  3. Add your qualification information (The information is integrated from Workday to ACRIS and it will be visible in your Research portal profile page at
    1. Choose Summary from the vertical menu and from the overview go to the Education and click Add
    2. Fill in all relevant information, set Degree received to Yes, and provide both Year Degree Received and Last Day Attended.
    3. Click Submit

2. Edit your profile in ACRIS

Remeber to save any changes (You will find setting in the bottom of profile editor window.).

  1. Log in to ACRIS at and click Edit profile -> Metadata.
  2. Name variants: You can add a known as name where this differs from your official name in the system and this will display on your public profile at You may also want to add a default publishing name which can optimise the matching to your author name on imported publication records
  3. Title: You can add, e.g. a degree title (PhD) to the Title field of your ACRIS profile
  4. ORCID id: Add your ORCID id (If you do not have one, please register one at ORCID.).
  5. Profile photo: Upload your profile photo (NB. Please make sure your photo is no more than a few hundred kilobytes. This photo will be transferred to your webpage as well!).
  6. Image carousel: In Profile photo section, you can also add an image carousel which will appear under the Research interests section of your profile page by choosing Gallery instead of Portrait as picture Category. 
  7. Links: You can add links to other webpages on your ACRIS.
  8. Add description of your research interests ->  Go to Curriculum and research description -> Select Add profile information -> Type Artistic and research interests. (This will help Research portal's Fingerprint search engine to select accurate concepts to your profile.)
  9. Positions outside of the institution: You can use this field to highlight any current appointments that you have outside of the University.
  10. Education/Qualification: The information is integrated from HR-system Workday to ACRIS. See the instructions.
  11. Keywords: Add keywords to define your research areas. (This will help Research portal's Fingerprint search engine to select accurate concepts to your profile.)
  12. Visibility: Check your profile visibility status is set Public - no restrictions (You will find setting in the bottom of profile editor window.)

Edit optional profile settings

Click on Portal profile on the left-hand side of the profile editor:

  1. Collaboration mapYou can choose to show or hide your collaboration map. 
  2. Organisational affiliations: To specify which organisational affiliations are shown on portal un-tick affiliations that you do not want to display. By default, all your active organisational unit affiliations are shown. If you hide an affiliation it may still be present on the Portal on other pages, but it is not shown on your personal profile.
  3. Fingerprints: You can choose which fingerprint concepts to show in your personal profile:
    1. To omit one or more Fingerprints: Select the concept you want to omit and click on the red cross. The Fingerprint will be omitted. You can include the Fingerprint back to the selection by clicking the green plus on the omitted Fingerprint.
    2. To switch the Fingerprints off on your profile page click on the blue On button next to the Fingerprint concept group you wish to hide and it will change to Off.

Highlighted content: You have the possibility to highlight your most important publications, activities, prizes, press/media and projects at the profile overview page (below the network map). If you choose not to highlight content, the newest content is used:

  1. Click on Highlighted content on the left-hand side of the profile editor and search for the content you want to highlight. 

Remove unwanted information from your public profile

How to remove phone number from your public profile: Research portal ( sometimes shows information about you which you do not wish to show publicly, e.g. phone number. Here are the instructions on how to remove your phone number from the system. (PDF-file)

Aalto profile settings
Aalto profile settings. Picture Kaija Virolainen

3. Edit your Aalto profile settings

  1. Log in to and select My profile.
  2. Click Edit profile.
  3. Set visibility public (Note! Your default visibility setting is hidden).
  4. Choose your title: 
    • Primary title from Workday (WD): Business title or Position title OR
    • Your title from your ACRIS profile.
  5. Set research data imported from ACRIS as visible:
    • Expertise (List of Keywords in ACRIS)
    • Awards
    • Research groups
    • Publications

Back to ACRIS instructions index and ACRIS instructions main page:

All ACRIS instructions

This page compiles all ACRIS instructions. ACRIS, Aalto Current Research Information System, is the research information management system of Aalto University. Information is displayed in the public portal

ACRIS Instructions

Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal

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Research and Innovation Services

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