
Research ethics review: Research Ethics Committee

Aalto University Research Ethics Committee is responsible for the research ethical evaluation of the university's non-medical research projects with human participants.

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Aalto University's Research Ethics Committee sees to the carrying out of research ethical review at the university for non-medical research with research involving human participants. Statements on research projects that come under the Medical Research Act (laki lääketieteellisestä tutkimuksesta, 488/1999) are provided by the ethical committees of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS): HUS, ethical committees (in Finnish)

Aalto University is committed to complying with the instructions drafted by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK), the instructions on research ethical assessments of research within the human sciences (see below for guidelines pdf). Research ethical assessment is needed before any data is collected.  Quick information: Research ethics review - FAQ's | Aalto University

At Aalto University, there are  two processes for research ethics statemen request: the committee (full) process and concise process with committee chair decision. In both of the processes for research ethics statemen request, the committee (full) process and concise process with committee chair decision, the request for research ethics statement is made by filling in the online statement request form and adding relevant appendices. (below)

For more information: How and when should you apply for ethical review of research 

Nainen lukee opasta. Kuvassa näkyy lisäksi henkilön kädet ja punaiset hihat.
Kuva Eeva Lehtinen

Ethical review in human sciences, guidelines updated in December 2020 

Guidelines in English pdf 

Applying for pre evaluation on research ethics 

Pre evaluation is applied with e -statement request form (e-statement request form and templates require an Aalto id). Remember to read the guidelines prior to applying. The research ethics statement form has been transferred to new platform. If the e-form does not open contact committee secretary Annukka Jyrämä. You find the statement request form from here: 

Old platform for research ethics statement request is no longer in use. Please contact committee secretary if you need information from the old platform. 

Templates for the appendices of the research ethics request: 

Privacy notice (How to inform research participants on processing personal data)

Consent to participate in research (How to agree with participants to participate in research) 

Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) (How to assess the risks of the research from personal data perspective) 

You find more information from the following sites

Paperi, jossa tekstiä ja osa tekstistä merkitty korostuskynällä.

How and when should you apply for ethical review of research

Familiarize yourself well in advance on the national guidelines and Aalto University practices

Research & Art
Paperi, jossa tekstiä ja osa tekstistä merkitty korostuskynällä.

Research ethics review - FAQ's

Basics and practicalities about research ethics process - frequently asked questions

Research & Art
Personal data

How to handle personal data in research?

Recognize whether you are processing personal data and follow these instructions to handle it correctly.


Different perspectives to research ethics. How to make an ethics self-assessment in research projects – Aalto support and guidelines

Here we provide support, links and tips on how to work your way through the EU Grants: How to complete your ethics self-assessment – document

For personnel – highlights and support for your work
People talking with each other

Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science

Properly managed research data creates competitive edge and is an important part of a high-quality research process. Here you will find links to support, services and instructions for research data management.


New concise process available for research ethics statement requests

At Aalto University there are now two processes open for research ethics statement requests: the committee (full) process and concise process with committee chair decision.

UniPID and TENK Release Ethical Guidelines for Global South Academic Partnerships

UniPID and TENK Release Ethical Guidelines for Global South Academic Partnerships

As academic partnerships with the Global South continue to gain popularity, issues related to resource distribution, power dynamics, and whose voices are heard and valued often arise.


Handling of statements

Statement requests for full research ethics review to be handled at commitee meeting are sent to the Committee secretary by e-platform (see above) at the latest 21 days before the meeting. The Research Ethics Committee meets regularly when convened by the chair. The prepared statements can be discussed and accepted also in e-mail meetings within 21 days of the statement request being submitted. If you are not satisfied with the committee’s decision or requests for modification, you have a right to make a statement request to the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK). Submission for concise process can me made at any time. Remember to indicate in the form which process you estimate applcable for you research (clikcing the box in form) 

Meetings and applications:

Submission dl Meeting Agenda Minutes
August 8th 2024 September 5th 2024 Agenda Minutes
September 11th October 2nd 2024 Agenda Minutes
October 22nd 2024 November 12th 2024 Agenda Minutes
November 21st 2024 December 12th 2024 Agenda Minutes
January 2nd 2025 January 23rd 2025 Agenda Minutes
February 6th 2025 February 27th 2025 Agenda Minutes
March 6th 2025 March 27th 2025 Agenda Minutes
April 8th April 29th 2025 Agenda Minutes
May 6th 2025 May 27th 2025 Agenda Minutes
May 27th 2025 June 17th 2025 Agenda Minutes

The statements are prepared by two Committee members with expertise in the relevant research area with legal advisor. If needed, the preparing Committee members can ask for additional information from the researcher requesting the statement.

The statement in concise process are prepared by one committee member or deputy member and legal advisor. Committee chair can transfer the statement to full process for committee handling based on the review. 

Meeting minutes and agendas

Aalto University Research Ethics Committee's meeting agendas and minutes can be asked from the secretary. Statement requests are confidential. Meeting agendas and minutes are available (see links in table above), but access requires Aalto id. Earlier agendas and minutes are available from the committee secretary. The link to agenda is removed when minutes are published. 

Chair: Vice President Jyri Hämäläinen
Secretary:  Senior Specialist Annukka Jyrämä 

Memebers of the research ethics committee in Aalto

Katri Kauppi

Katri Kauppi

Professori (Associate professor)
E704 Dept. Information and Service Management
Masood Masoodian

Masood Masoodian

Professori (Associate professor)

Maaria Nordman

Assistant Professor
T213 Built Environment
Riitta Salmelin

Riitta Salmelin

Aalto professor
T314 Dept. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering

Deputy memebers of the research ethics committee in Aalto

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