
Linux shell servers at Aalto

Aalto IT Services has several Linux servers available from the Internet with SSH. You can use them for example to browse the web or code programming exercises, or run terminal applications in a screen session.

You can log in with your normal Aalto password or use SSH private key authentication. SSH connections from outside the Aalto network require both a password and a public key authentication.

Aalto IT Services has several Linux servers available from the Internet with SSH. You can log in with your normal Aalto password or use SSH private key authentication.

SSH connections from outside the Aalto network require both a password and a public key authentication.

General purpose servers

These servers have mainly the same software configuration as classroom workstations. You can use them for example to browse the web or code programming exercises, or run terminal applications in a screen session.

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Intel Xeon E5-2680 (14 Cores), 128 GB RAM
  • SSH host key fingerprints for server authentication
RSA (MD5) d0:25:93:e0:de:aa:73:fe:b9:ca:ff:a4:01:2a:91:d7
RSA (SHA256) Ysp2C5jAEe4RdiMUf9YU4n2jmM3lmRRuXXbR9Ncnj/E
ECDSA (MD5) b4:4b:40:5b:8d:a8:4e:67:26:87:78:58:c3:2a:5d:2a
ECDSA (SHA256) Eo5fDTGfz21a5dZf6A4WH/UnCO18yQO8W1en0iNZgU4
ED25519 (MD5) a9:97:99:5b:1a:7d:66:7d:2a:dc:dd:e7:d7:ca:d5:3f
ED25519 (SHA156) hrAaorzWXzAQ5en/DDNam/9DSBTGG2wtdFx2LOTElfA

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Intel Xeon E5-2680 (14 Cores), 128 GB RAM
  • SSH host key fingerprints for server authentication
RSA (MD5) 37:52:9e:03:41:67:e0:43:6b:76:58:98:c6:50:a3:e8
RSA (SHA256) wamdWgMVK4PiCUIn2iOvvUdVxKVb9ocr23Ap7TgAefk
ECDSA (MD5) 14:49:ee:f6:88:e6:6c:1e:19:d7:2e:42:ba:39:be:8a
ECDSA (SHA256) CCT3lCFMiDdT3PWMe4Wju7P1R/jPl3bI+0Dr9zjawDM
ED25519 (MD5) 0f:86:b0:fd:23:d9:e0:39:2c:61:65:e4:c9:0a:34:bd
ED25519 (SHA256) 3oe2X4HV3OsS+dJCsElRE5BNrnw6eZ66DIE6PREb7o0

  • For staff only
  • RedHat 8.8
  • Intel Xeon Gold 6342 (4 threads), 16 GB RAM
  • SSH host key fingerprints for server authentication
DSA (MD5) 18:e5:1e:a2:bc:6f:df:b8:a1:85:6f:98:22:41:86:5d
DSA (SHA256) iG8dxV1BzDO+S5S9LPgmMtz8Uj7nEbnm3KG+Az2xaqg
RSA (MD5) 34:4b:23:b1:2c:ad:d2:0b:a5:8d:29:2a:cc:d1:dd:4e
RSA (SHA256) E5K99QJ/kifJ2089/bCWykZRs/0/+bV8JfCTDU3B3/A
ED25519 (MD5) 5d:2e:ce:69:ed:62:9f:f5:2c:cd:68:62:11:bd:c6:5f
ED25519 (SHA256) YMa+zt6BhNhjKKZQL5b+FRil6VL7SqCzKT4OjKiGwIQ

Servers for light computing

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 (40 Cores / 80 Threads) , 768 GB RAM
  • SSH host key fingerprints for server authentication
RSA (MD5) d4:34:c8:67:ce:65:8e:a1:6b:f9:b4:08:e1:ba:89:4a
RSA (SHA256) Pg3b8wOd7ACptx6QLnQvt52NGG4P0PBelcMXVepMgxI
ECDSA (MD5) bc:b4:b1:09:b4:ed:3c:6c:e3:e5:37:af:5b:85:26:16
ECDSA (SHA256) n7cBhb7cgsmVIg4AHdOUQsNcCoSnB0YIzXXRUzuQmh4
ED25519 (MD5) 5c:63:c8:b1:cc:13:5d:66:3b:01:76:fd:aa:41:ac:09
ED25519 (SHA256) BDTMeTuWsABdo8XRLOWHm8gW3vQ/GA6P1w558toM4r4

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 (40 Cores / 80 Threads) , 768 GB RAM
  • SSH host key fingerprints for server authentication
RSA (MD5) 9a:08:eb:e4:17:2e:9c:84:ae:cb:1f:37:df:57:b1:a0
ECDSA (MD5) ad:83:d3:8c:6f:4e:98:e3:65:66:c8:43:a7:18:19:c8
ECDSA (SHA256) VgnUG+IbfTC88s5huOXo2hbnUzKvCx58Rf01Qsqoh5A
ED25519 (MD5) 44:08:33:b1:aa:d2:66:68:26:e7:c8:d5:51:02:b3:d5
ED25519 (SHA256) XA8F7to2zoTJaSy2Tql7Mw2koPwr4wRAl49nRKYKcnQ

Related instructions

Servers for light-duty calculation

There are two Ubuntu general servers available for light-duty calculation, and, each of which has 768 GB of memory and 40 cores. The servers can run processes that last for several days, such as light-duty calculation.

Restoring a file (Windows, Mac, Linux)

With an Aalto workstation, you can restore previous versions of your files from folders on the Home or Work disks.

Printing in Aalto's Linux

A print queue called secureprintps has been added to Aalto University’s Ubuntu workstations and general servers (version 14.04 and later), which is the default printer on most computers. When you want to print something, select secureprintps from the printer menu.

Disk encryption (Aalto-Linux)

All Aalto Linux laptops are equipped with disk encryption that supports full-disk encryption.

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