Infrabooking - Booking system for research, teaching and learning infrastructures
Infrabooking, a booking system for research, teaching and learning infrastructures, has been aimed for all internal and external user groups. Infrabooking can be accessed from everywhere:
- Infrabooking makes possible book research and learning infrastructures for research, teaching, learning and commercial usage. Infrabooking can be used by Aalto staff, students, researchers and Aalto external users.
- The system enables flexible management of access and booking rights, which are configurable per bookable object e.g. device or space.
- Reports can be generated e.g. for invoicing, stakeholder reporting and usage monitoring.
- Currently only limited number of research, teaching and learning infrastructures are covered by the system. Coverage is expanding continuously.
- Currently the system hasn’t been integrated to learning planning tool and thus resources in Infrabooking need to be booked separately.
User guides and support
User guides from Wiki: . Administrators by e-mail: [email protected] . Incidents by e-mail: [email protected]
Access and user rights
Aalto students and employees use Aalto user id for registration and sign in. Those who do not have Aalto id can create a separate user id for Infrabooking. User id will be activated by system administrators after validation of registration information. Having an active user id the user can sign in to Infrabooking but making reservations usually requires user training and separate use permission.
Reservation rights will be granted by system administrators after user training. Contact information of the system administrators can be found from information field of each device or reservable object. After getting the reservation rights, the user can book, update and cancel reservations she/he has made.
Each infrastructure has named main user and optional separate operators. They can give user trainings, access rights and maintain bookings of equipment’s she/he is operating. The main user has right to give operator right, add and delete reservation object and manage registrations of non-Aalto University persons to the system.
Back up
The Infrabooking system is hosted by Aalto ITS in a virtual server environment. ITS makes backups of the data according to the regular backup process.
Related services
Booking of spaces and objects
Booking system is used for reserving spaces and objects for teaching, research and support activities. The system can be accessed through