
Aalto email for your phone: instructions for iPhone and Android

This page gives instructions for setting up an email account on your phone for iPhone and Android users. In addition, the page includes instructions for bringing your Outlook contacts to your phone.

Instructions for specifying an email account, Microsoft Outlook (iPhone and Android)

Make sure that your phone device is connected to a network. The phone must be connected to a network for the installation to succeed.

  1. Download and install the Microsoft Outlook app from your mobile store and then open it.
  2. Tap Get Started.
  3. Enter your full email address, then tap Continue / Add account.
  4. Enter your email account password and tap Sign In.
  5. Multifactor authentication (MFA) identification is needed. Read more on multifactor authentication.
  6. After the migration you find Aalto staff's contacts by using Outlook mobile app's search.

Please note that for security reasons you should use the Microsoft Outlook app to read Aalto email on Aalto's work phone. 

More information about the Outlook app:

Instructions for bringing your contacst from Outlook to your mobile phone

NOTE! Steps may vary between devices and between operating systems.


  1. Open Outlook and tap the Outlook logo /your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Tap the gear icon (Settings)
  3. Tap on your account
  4. Enable Sync contacts
Four screenshots for the steps mentioned in the instructions for Android phones


  1. Open Outlook and tap the wheel icon (settings)
  2. Tap Office 365 under Email accounts
  3. Enable Save contacts
Three screenshots showing pictures for the iPhone instructions

Aalto cloud email

Webmail address: (login with Aalto e-mail address).


Aalto cloud email - frequently asked questions

Here you can read frequently asked questions related to cloud email.


E-mail & calendar

All those with an Aalto ID are entitled to use e-mail and calendar. You can use Aalto cloud e-mail and calendar also with webmail.


Multifactor Authentication (MFA, 2FA)

Why we use MFA at Aalto and instructions for starting to use MFA.

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