Research & Art

Key Research Area: ICT and digitalisation

Digital technologies like Artificial Intelligence, robotics and communications are cut through the whole society, from education to medicine and economics.
Aalto X Reality Keynote PiP by Matti Ahlgren
Photo by Matti Ahlgren.

This area represents over one third of the scientific publications and university education in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) and digitalization in Finland.

This forms the foundation for our spearhead in Finland’s drive towards the technological transformation of many aspects of society – from new consumer services to media, entertainment, education, health care, retail, and several areas of industry.

Research in ICT and digitalisation relates to both theory and practice: computational and mathematical sciences, software and hardware technologies, secure communications, digital media, services, and engineering and management across technologies and industrial sectors.

This combination provides an excellent launching pad for interdisciplinary innovations. For instance, digitalisation and social media are topics which may only be profoundly understood via multidisciplinary viewpoints combining arts, business, science and technology.

Focus areas

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital services
  • Telecommunications
  • Power Systems
  • Robotics and Autonomous Systems
  • Acoustics and Audio Technology

Upcoming events

Video Production Clinic event
Staff trainings

Video production and MOOC clinic with Online Hybrid Lab

Do you have questions about developing an educational videos production or have in mind MOOC development? Grab 30 minutes appointment with our specialist!
Video Production Clinic event
Staff trainings

Video production and MOOC clinic with Online Hybrid Lab

Do you have questions about developing an educational videos production or have in mind MOOC development? Grab 30 minutes appointment with our specialist!
Video Production Clinic event
Staff trainings

Video production and MOOC clinic with Online Hybrid Lab

Do you have questions about developing an educational videos production or have in mind MOOC development? Grab 30 minutes appointment with our specialist!
Video Production Clinic event
Staff trainings

Video production and MOOC clinic with Online Hybrid Lab

Do you have questions about developing an educational videos production or have in mind MOOC development? Grab 30 minutes appointment with our specialist!

Latest news in this area

Aalto Space mockup ravintolatarjonnasta
Campus, University Published:

Restaurants added to the Aalto Space - test and win!

See if you can find the campus restaurants in Aalto Space and win summerish prizes.
Vili Lehdonvirta, phóto: Mikko Raskinen, Aalto University
Press releases Published:

Cloud empires: Mapping the geopolitics of data infrastructures

The trend towards hyperscale cloud infrastructures is creating powerful global gatekeepers of computational capability. We must understand the geopolitical implications.
Nesteen polttoainejalostamon tankit Porvoossa
Cooperation, Research & Art Published:

Collaboration with Aalto brings significant financial benefits to Neste

As a result of the collaboration, Neste is now using digital tools in its fuel research alongside traditional testing.
Three female students studying
Research & Art Published:

Seed funding available to boost collaboration between Aalto, KU Leuven and University of Helsinki

Aalto University, KU Leuven and the University of Helsinki launch the 2nd exploratory seed funding call to explore research collaboration possibilities. The funding call is open until 10 September 2024.

Flagships and Centres of Excellence

QTF-hero logo

Quantum Technology Finland – The National Centre of Excellence (external link)

The national Quantum Technology Finland (QTF) Centre of Excellence brings together scientific and technological excellence and cutting-edge research infrastructures to harness quantum phenomena in solid-state-based quantum devices and applications.


Aalto Factory of the Future videowall

Aalto Factory of the Future

The Aalto Factory of the Future is an infrastructure to support innovation in future industrial automation, industry 4.0 & 5.0 and beyond. It allows test and trials of advanced technologies, such as future wireless communication (5G / Wifi6 and beyond) in industry.

MAGICS-infrastruktuuri mahdollistaa virtuaalitodellisuuden hyödyntämisen muun muassa taiteellisissa esityksissä. Kuva: Aalto Studios.

MAGICS – Media – Arts – Games – Interaction – Computing – Science (external link)

MAGICS is an infrastructure network to support research into motion recording, and virtual environments. It is a joint effort of Aalto University, Tampere University and the University of the Arts Helsinki.

Piece of code on the computer screen, colourful text


Infrastructure for high-level computational research.

Illustation of Otakaari 2A, the new home of Aalto Studios

Aalto Studios

Aalto Studios weaves together the players of the creative economy: designers, filmmakers, YouTubers, game developers, performing artists, educators, angel investors, public-sector operators, and more in Finland, Scandinavia, Europe, and beyond.

Research and learning infrastructures

Aalto Electronics-ICT - Electronics test facilities

School of Electrical Engineering offers 4 electronic test facilities


Featured research bodies

HIIT logo

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT (external link)

Collaborative institute for research on information technology.

HAIC logo

Helsinki-Aalto Institute for Cybersecurity HAIC (external link)

Excellence in information security research and education.

virtual acoustics research group doing measurements in a concert hall

Virtual Acoustics

Professor Tapio Lokki

Department of Information and Communications Engineering
Image from remote site:

Aalto Center for Autonomous Systems (external link)

ACAS combines Aalto expertise on various fields to tackle challenging systems-related research problems related to the autonomous operation of networked machines.

Departments in this area


Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Our main research areas are algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis, applied mathematics and mechanics, stochastics and statistics, and systems analysis and operations research.

Aalto University / Aalto satellite / photo: Mikko Raskinen

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering

Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (ELE) conducts research and arranges related teaching courses in the fields of electromagnetics, micro and nanotechnology, radio engineering, and space technology.

 Äänen viivettä on tutkittu Suomen hiljaisimmassa huoneessa Otaniemessä sijaitsevassa kaiuttomassa huoneessa.  Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Mikko Raskinen

Department of Information and Communications Engineering

The department of Information and Communications Engineering has a strong focus in the ICT area varying from ICT technology to core electrical engineering and its basic phenomena.

Key research area contact

 Dr. Krisztina Cziner

Dr. Krisztina Cziner

Manager, ICT & Digitalisation Key Research Area, Aalto Networking Platform
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