The master’s thesis is a 30-credit entity that also includes the maturity test and presentation of the thesis. The master's thesis is a piece of applied research and is written on a topic related to the advanced studies of the degree programme. The key goal of the master’s thesis is solving a problem relevant to the field of study based on existing scientific knowledge in compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research.
Master's thesis process
You will find detailed information, instructions and deadlines related to the master's thesis process from this section.
NOTE! The Aalto University bylaws are changing 1 August 2024 and a new system will be introduced for thesis management. The master’s thesis topics will no longer be accepted by the Degree Programme Committee. Instead, the supervisor will accept the topic and advisors and the application is submitted on MyStudies. eAge system is closed for submitting the master’s thesis applications on 1 August 2024 and the new functionality on MyStudies will be implemented on 19 August 2024.
Read thesis guidelines. You can find the pdf of versions of the guide in English and Finnish at the end of this page.
- Search for thesis topic. If you are planning to do your thesis for a company, more information: Study and educational projects – contracts with organisations outside Aalto University | Aalto University
- Choice and approval of topic. The topic of the thesis is decided in discussions between the student and the possible thesis supervisor. The final choice is always made by the student. Topics may be available in research being conducted at the school or the topic may have to do with themes covered on the courses. The master's programmes may also have their own thesis ‘topic banks’. The master’s thesis topic may also be related to work done during a work placement. In such cases, it is important that the topic and contents of the thesis be discussed also with the possible thesis supervisor before making the topic application.
Confirmation of the thesis topic and thesis supervisor is applied on MyStudies. Start your master’s thesis process by creating a thesis record on MyStudies by clicking on “Create a thesis record”.
- Attend the master’s thesis seminar, if one is organised by your programme. Participation is usually voluntary but recommended.
- Get to know the thesis evaluation criteria. You can find the evaluation criteria and guidelines (in English and Finnish) at the end of this page.
- Thesis template. You can use this template for the thesis: Word Thesis template for all Aalto University schools.
- Submit the completed thesis to the Turnitin system and to your supervisor. Turnitin is an online platform that reviews the thesis text for originality. Ask your supervisor about their Turnitin practices. For more information see: Turnitin an originality checking and feedback software.
- Prepare thesis presentation. The thesis process also includes a final thesis presentation which is agreed with the supervisor. The presentation must be held at the latest when applying for the approval and evaluation of thesis.
- Thesis abstract as a maturity test. The thesis process involves demonstrating conversance with the field and the student's knowledge about the topic, which is done by completing a "maturity test".
As part of the thesis process, you are required to present the final thesis and write a maturity test.
- Thesis presentation. See the programme specific requirements and instructions for the thesis presentation. The presentation must be held at the latest when applying for the approval and evaluation of thesis.
- Maturity test. The abstract of the thesis will serve as a maturity test. The maturity test aims to prove your expertise in the field and topic area of your thesis. Agree the completion of the maturity test with your thesis supervisor before applying for the approval of the thesis. The maturity test is graded either pass or fail.
Note: If you have been educated in Finnish or Swedish and have not demonstrated language proficiency previously in a maturity test for a Bachelor's degree, you have to write the maturity test in the language in which you have been educated at the primary and secondary levels (Finnish or Swedish). For more information, please see Maturity demonstration (in the language of education) and contact the planning officer of your programme.
- Once you have permission to publish from the supervisor, submit your thesis for evaluation, approval and archiving on MyStudies.
- Attach the completed, corrected and final version of the thesis to the application and make sure it is the correct PDF/A format. See Aalto University instructions for converting and checking the file format. The thesis file cannot be corrected or changed after the approved thesis has arrived in Aaltodoc publication archive.
- Check the thesis deadlines and the processing dates in the table below. These deadlines are absolute, and no late applications will be processed.
Deadlines for thesis evaluation applications | Degree programme committee meeting date |
Fri 29.12.2023 | Mon 22.1.2024 |
Mon 19.2.2024 | Mon 11.3.2024 |
Mon 29.4.2024 | Mon 20.5.2024 |
Mon 27.5.2024 | Mon 10.6.2024 |
Wed 31.7.2024* | Mon 19.8.2024 |
Mon 30.9.2024 | Mon 21.10.2024 |
Mon 18.11.2024 | Mon 9.12.2024 |
Tue 31.12.2024** | January 2025 |
** Deadline 31.12.2024: Notice the holiday season. Contact your thesis supervisor well before Christmas (24.12.2024).
If you have completed all your studies and master's thesis is your final study attainment, you can submit a request for the degree certificate on Sisu at same time with your application for the approval of your master's thesis.
Before requesting the degree certificate, check that your personal study plan is up-to-date and accepted. Contact your programme coordinator or planning officer in any unclear situations. You can find the specific guidelines and timetables on programme's webpage, under "Graduating".
If you have any questions, please select the contact based on your programme:
Nordic Masters, SELECT, EIT-ES, EIT-MANU, EIT-UM, EMC | Joint Masters Team ([email protected]) |
MEC | Helena Suonsilta ([email protected]) |
GIS, REC, SPT, CS, USP in REE | Suvi Jämsä ([email protected]) |
GEO, CIV, WAT | Harri Långstedt ([email protected]) |
Advanced Energy Solutions, please select the contact based on your major:
Industrial Energy Processes (CHEM) | [email protected] |
Energy in Buildings and Built Environment (ENG) | [email protected] |
Energy Conversion Processes (ENG) | [email protected] |
Energy Systems and Markets (ELEC) | [email protected] |
Additional information
Aaltodoc publication archive
Aaltodoc publication archive consists of materials produced in the university, such as theses, journal articles, conference publications and research materials produced by the schools of Aalto University.
Errors in approved theses are corrected on an errata page
Instructions on the use of errata page
Turnitin - an aid for skilful writing and prevention of plagiarism
Turnitin - an aid for skilful writing and prevention of plagiarism