Student Guide

Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integrated Solutions


Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Annual enrolment

Information on annual enrolment

Applications, instructions and guidelines
Sisu instructions main page illustration

Sisu instructions: front page

The front page of Sisu instructions for students

Applications, instructions and guidelines
Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Applications, instructions and guidelines

The academic policies and regulations of Aalto University as well as instructions and applications.

Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Feedback and surveys

All the major student feedback forms and surveys available at Aalto University

Applications, instructions and guidelines
Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Credit transfer

Credit transfer

Applications, instructions and guidelines
Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Application for extension to the right to study

Application for extension to the right to study

Applications, instructions and guidelines

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