Applications, instructions and guidelines

Feedback and surveys

Here are assembled for your perusal all the major student feedback forms and surveys available at Aalto – Welcome!

All the major student feedback forms and surveys available at Aalto

Hearing the voice of students is important for the development of teaching and training as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special area of focus at Aalto. Student guilds and organisations are also interested in and benefit from feedback and surveys.

This page contains a compilation of the descriptions of the student feedback collected at Aalto. It also offers general information about how to give feedback and how to put it to use.

Thank you for your interest!

The main student surveys that you should respond to during your studies

Other surveys

Summary of the student feedback surveys

Survey Target group Purpose Review of results

Course feedback

All students

Quality of courses, workload, satisfaction, assesment of the course, motivation etc.
  • Teacher-in-charge
  • Programme committees
  • Head of the departments
  • Programme director
  • Learning Services

Study wellbeing questionnaire (2017->)

2. year B.SC students and 1. year M.Sc students

Well-being mapping: stress, self-efficiency, teaching arrangements etc.

The student will get personal feedback (and tips for personal development) after filling the questionnaire.

  • Programme director and committees
  • Head of the departments
  • Responsible professors of the majors
  • Learning Services
The Finnish Bachelor’s Graduate Survey (Kandipalaute) Bachelor level graduates at all Finnish Universities Quality of Bachelor level education at Finnish Universities (has an effect on U funding)
  • Academic Committee
  • Annual Programme Review
  • School Management Meetings
  • Bachelor’s programme committee
  • Programme director
  • Responsible professors of the majors
  • Learning Services
Graduates Survey M.Sc. students at graduation 1) Quality of education 2) Placement at graduation 3) Salary 
  • Academic Committee
  • Annual Programme Review
  • Programme Committees
  • Programme director
Aarresaari Survey   for M.Sc graduates  M.Sc. 5 years after graduation 1) Employment quality   and meaninfullness 
2) Career development 
3) Satisfaction on the degree
  • Academic Commitee
  • Head of the departments
  • Programme director
  • Career Services
Aarresaari Survey for Doctoral graduates  3 years after graduation 1) Employment quality  and meaninfullness
2) Career development
3) Satisfaction on the degree
  • Academic Commitee
  • Programme director
BIZ Placement  Survey M.Sc. students 1 year after graduation 1) Placement at graduation 
2) Satisfaction on the degree 
3) Student career guidance
  • Deans
  • Head of the departments
  • Programme director
  • Career Services
Orientation   feedback BSc / MSc / exchange students New students after orientation
  • Bachelor’s programme committee
  • Programme committees
  • Programme director
  • Learning Services
Incoming exchange students: Orientation and Arrival Survey  Exchange students Arrival services:  - pre-arrival information packages  - information during orientation etc.
  • Learning Services
  • Development Manager
  • Programme director
  • Annual Review
Outgoing exchange students:  - Exchange report  - EU-Survey

Exchange students

  • Learning Services
  • Development Manager
  • Programme director
  • Annual Review
  • Erasmus+ final reporting (EDUFI, Commission)
Outgoing exchange students: Exchange application survey (ARTS&TECH, BIZ) Outgoing exchange students Gathering information and feedback on the Aalto exchange application rounds  
BIZ evaluation survey Outgoing exchange students Gathering information and feedback on the exchange experience, destination university etc.  
Incoming exchange   student feedback survey Exchange students

Student experience (services, housing,   academic aspects)

  • Learning Services
  • Development Manager
  • Programme director
  • Annual Review
National Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden terveys- ja hyvinvointitutkimus, KOTT) Sample of degree students Produces comprehensive and regular data (every four years) on the welfare of students nationally. The survey is conducted by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The results are discussed at the university level. 
See also the public results in
International student barometer (ISB) International students The international ISB survey is focused to the expectations and view of international students Used on university level for improving the experiences of international students. Aalto last participated in 2022. The survey is conducted by i-graduate. See also: International Student Barometer (ISB) | Aalto University
OTUS Student Barometer Degree students OTUS Student Barometer is a survey which is used in work to develop student wellbeing, student activities, the quality of teaching, higher education internships, studies and reports on working life and living, and educational institutions, among other things. Student Barometer is conducted by the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus. The survey is conducted nationally every three years (last times 2016, 2019, 2022).
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