Student Guide

Accessible exchange studies

Exchange studies are for everyone. You can go on exchange even if you have a disability, including learning disability. If you have special needs in exchange, you might be entitled to special needs or inclusion grant.

Special needs and inclusion grants

You can receive special needs or inclusion support if your special needs create additional expenses to your exchange studies and you cannot get similar support from elsewhere. The grant can be awarded for e.g., accessible accommodation, assisted mobility or such study-related special arrangements as learning materials, preparatory visits and personal assistants. However, you cannot get this support for expenses you would also have in Finland. 

The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) grants special needs and inclusion support for students, teachers and staff participating in Erasmus+ and Nordplus programs.

In addition, Erasmus+ programme offers fixed fewer opportunities top-up for students. The student can be entitled to both the inclusion support and the fewer opportunities top-up for the same mobility period.

Exchange studies

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