
Where is the water?

Only a fraction of the water on Earth is drinkable, so we need ways to use it smartly. The World Water Day on 22 March reminds us that the access to safe water is a human right.
fragile water infographic where is the water 2 Lin Pei-Yu
Graphic design: Lin Pei-Yu

Aalto University's design students and water researchers joined forces to visualise sustainable water solutions in the Fragile Water exhibition, showcased at Helsinki Airport in 2019. The UN's World Water Day's theme for 2019 is "Leaving no one behind".

'The Earth’s oceans contain 97% of the planet’s water, leaving only about 2.5% as fresh water – most of which is locked up in ice and in the ground. Remarkably, only 1.2% of freshwater is located on the planet’s surface, and this tiny portion serves most of life's needs.

A growing population and water demand have increased pressure on water resources in various parts of the globe with increasing water scarcity. In simple terms, these areas lack the water resources needed to meet demands. This issue is more common than we might think.

Pollution is one of the main contributing factors of water scarcity. Even though almost every form of pollution contributes to the scarcity of water some way or the other, one of the primary contributors, without a doubt, is water pollution. When harmful substances contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other bodies of water, water quality degrades, making it unsafe for human use. With a large part of the globe without access to clean water, water quality is pressing issue. 

We need to be more efficient with the water that we use every day and help the environment along to address water pollution and scarcity. We can do this by adopting good sewage treatment systems, toxic-free production methods, sustainable water management, minimising pollution and preserving water for future generations.'

Hafsa Munia, Doctoral Student

fragile water infographic where is the water, graphic: Lin Pei-Yu
Graphic design: Lin Pei-Yu

Water and Environmental Engineering

Water and Environmental Engineering research at Aalto University aims to find solutions to decrease resource scarcity and to support sustainability. Our research is divided into two strategic areas: global water issues and sustainable circular economy, which are further divided into four research entities.

Read more about the water research in Aalto University
Aalto Research groups

Fragile Water exhibition highlights vulnerability of water resources

Water resources are limited and vulnerable in many places in the world. Design students and water researchers joined forces to visualise sustainable water solutions in the Fragile Water exhibition.

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Chiao-Wen Hsu: Eaten Water Photo Anne Kinnunen

Fragile Water design exhibition at Helsinki Airport 31.1. - 31.12.2019

The exhibition Fragile Water brings attention to our use of water.

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Iines Jakovlev: Hidden Lake Photo: Anne Kinnunen
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