
School of Business student story: Veikka Partanen

Veikka Partanen, a 2nd year student of the Bachelor's Program in International Business and a part-time entrepreneur has learned how to balance between school and his business: “My time in Mikkeli has taught me that anything is possible if you have the passion for it.”
BScBA student Veikka Partanen. Photo by Emma Kallioniemi
Photo by Emma Kallioniemi

I’m Veikka Partanen and I started studies in Mikkeli in 2018.  I’ve been moving a lot around Finland with my family and own much of my social character to that constant changing of cities and schools. My whole family is Finnish, so the only international influence I have gotten came from my high school Turun Normaalikoulu IB -program.

I’ve always been really interested in visual things, and I used to draw a lot in my younger years. Since then, I have switched the pen to a camera, and I do it for a living. I’ve been working as a part-time entrepreneur for around 4 years now, managing my own photo and videography business. 

How and why did you end up choosing our BScBA program?

The high school IB program taught me to use English on a daily basis and I really liked the idea of being bi-lingual. During an economics class on my second year, two BScBA students gave a promotional presentation at my school and I knew then and there that I wanted to go to Mikkeli. It was such a strong calling, that I didn’t even apply to anywhere else!

What has your study experience been like so far? What have you enjoyed the most?

I have enjoyed it more than I could have ever imagined. I love the city, the nature and the people. The campus is in a great location and our small community is tightly knit around our student culture.

The thing I have enjoyed the most, is taking part in student events all around Finland with my friends, meeting a bunch of new people and getting new experiences. Naturally that’s on hold as of right now, but maybe someday in the future we get to experience that again! The ultimate highlight of my studies has been my role as the communications coordinator of our beloved student board Probba ry.

Our team spirit is unrivalled.

Veikka Partanen, BScBA student

How have your studies in Aalto University helped you with your business as a photographer and content creator?

Understanding the fundamentals of business is crucial to any business owner, and I’m no exception. Gaining knowledge about topics such as branding and accounting have helped me steer my little company to the right direction. As I have brought out my passion as a photographer out from day one here, I have been given amazing opportunities and I have participated in some really interesting projects. Just last week, I was filming a video for Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki. 

Why would you recommend our program to other students?

A lot of people have reservations about Mikkeli as a distant and smaller-than-average student city, but all of them disappear on the first day of Orientation week! Because we are a bit far away and sort of in our own bubble, our team spirit is unrivalled. We even have our own name for it: The Mikkeli Spirit. I strongly recommend Mikkeli!

Have your studies in Aalto University and living in Mikkeli shaped you as a person?

Yes. Yes, it has. Quite significantly too if you ask me. I have gained even more confidence in my own abilities, and I have learned to push myself to my own limits. But perhaps most importantly, amongst all this balancing between school and my business, Mikkeli has taught me that anything is possible if you have the passion for it.

Students sitting by Mikkeli's Cathedral.

International Business, Bachelor (BScBA, Mikkeli) and Master of Science (Otaniemi) in Economics and Business Administration

The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business provides students with a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge to build, develop and lead companies on a global scale. A bachelor’s degree in business with an international focus opens up a wide variety of career opportunities across all industries and continents.

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