
Nearly 500 members of the Aalto community participated in our virtual community event

A total of 1 021 comments were given on the four strategy themes - summaries of the comments published as attachment of this news article.
President Ilkka Niemelä giving presentation in virtual community event, photo by Kalle Kataila

The strategy event on 22 April was arranged online for the first time, and it turned out to be a great success – a big thank you to everyone who participated in the event and also to those who responded afterwards to the online survey!

At the beginning of the event, President Ilkka Niemelä spoke of the current exceptional situation, which has meant that the entire Aalto community is currently doing most of their work remotely.

'I would like to warmly thank all the members of our community for their flexibility during these exceptional circumstances. At this time, our community is more important than ever, and it seems that our role in building a sustainable future is becoming increasingly significant. As the Aalto community, we will do our best to help in the midst of the crisis resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. We are gathering all of the information from  the Aalto helps webpages  on initiatives and projects related to the coronavirus pandemic that are currently underway at our university,' Ilkka Niemelä explained.

According to a Slido survey conducted at the event, the Aalto community's experience of working remotely has so far been very positive: Of the 245 respondents, 191 said that the work had gone surprisingly well, and 34 said it had gone excellently.

Plenty of development ideas were gathered

In the Presemo workrooms, participants come up with ideas for development activities in four areas of our strategy: teaching, research, impact and values. A large number of answers were received to the questions presented in the workroom for each theme, with the final total reaching 1 021.

The popularity of the virtual event was a positive surprise, and the responses received are currently being analysed. Summaries for each theme area are published as attachment of this news (requires login). The input is used in strategy implementation planning.

By logging in with your Aalto credentials, you are able to watch the recording of the event and review the presentation material by Ilkka Niemelä and the compiled answers for the discussion themes.


Our strategy

Aalto University's future is built upon a foundation of high-quality research, education, impact and shared values – responsibility, courage, and collaboration. The purpose of the university is to shape a sustainable future.

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